Earth, c. 2020
We know the deep state’s playbook so it isn’t as if we couldn’t be doing things to offset their strategies.
Here’s one play, for example: Divide and conquer.
Need we allow them to divide us? No, we can unite.
Must we allow them to conquer us, under the guise of any issue – from Covid to “climate change”? No, we need not, as long as we stay united in the name of love, freedom, and peace.
Must we sit idly by and allow them to take their best punch? I don’t think so. We can draw a line in the sand and say under what conditions we, the human race, sanction the use of force. (1)
We can make clear our opposition to the harm the deep state causes and our intention, as a human race, to put an end to it.
Some conditions are so pressing that they call for immediate action. And immediate action is being taken.
Primarily, if I can wrap up all the crimes being practiced against children under one term and call it “child trafficking,” then I’d say that a united humanity declares all the crimes which cluster under the term “child trafficking” as certain to bring forth our use of force in protection.
I’d say more than that. I’d say that I personally have difficulty sitting through another day as long as children are being trafficked in my world. Speak of a cat on a hot tin roof. Try a cat on a griddle.
I assume we’re united on the use of force to protect our children from child trafficking.
Next, women. The deep state imposed a patriarchal order on humanity but most men have – tacitly or openly – agreed to it.
The subjugation of women brings ease and comfort to the men being served. Mom’s in the kitchen; all’s right with the world. But it’s not quite like that.
If we had a Google Earth that could take a living snapshot of the Earth right now, which recorded all events and which we could magnify, privacy respected, we’d see that global social structure, which is founded upon the subjugation of women and children.
As a matter of fact, I did take a snapshot of it in 2007, which you can look at here. (2) The human-rights record of Planet Earth in regards to the treatment of women is shameful and dismal. I listened for six years to mostly women (a few children) talk about their plight before becoming refugees. (3) One narrative in particular left me enraged.
I repeat: Our global treatment of women is shameful and dismal. There’s no escaping it.
Never mind distractions like climate change, Covid 19, the Ukraine, Israel/Gaza. We see through these ruses.
We will use force to protect our women and children from the depredations of the deep state. We will peacefully and legally dismantle its patriarchal, elitist structure wherever it’s found.
We will protect our women and children. We are united in this.
The efforts of the white-hat Alliance aren’t telegraphed or advertised. This isn’t that kind of war.
This isn’t a war of area bombing and carpet bombing. This isn’t a war of big guns or nuclear missiles. It’s being fought underground, in the air, and in space, mostly out of public sight. I’ve called it “the hidden war.”
Most assuredly the deep-state leaders know that those who are with us are stronger than those who oppose us. (4)
United as a human race, we can – and will – end the reign of the deep state on Earth. United as a human race, we won’t need weapons. (5) But until that time, we will use them to protect the human family.
(1) I’m speaking philosophically and of each person. The white-hat military has already been quietly enforcing their stand against the deep state’s depradations for decades. Remember Barksdale and the nuclear-armed B57 enroute to the MidEast, the marines’ refusal to train for an Iranian invasion, the Navy’s sequestering of the nuclear football, etc.
(2) See “Gender Persecution” at
(3) Member, Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada, 1998-2006.
(4) See “Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self Message, Nov. 24, 2023,”
Our star family will not allow the use of nuclear weapons in space and will not allow a world war. The dark’s time is limited before a bifurcation event (the Ring of Fire?) causes separation between those who will ascend and those who will not. Not this lifetime.
Adamu also makes clear that those who are with us are far stronger than those who oppose us:
“If we can manifest a ship many miles across by desire alone. If we can defeat a warring enemy without ever attacking them. If we can disable your nuclear devices without touching them. If we can balance your planetary magnetosphere. I could go on and on. The point is, if we can do all these things and so much more, do you honestly think your Earth cabal’s tin toys and party favours are going to get in our way? They are not. ” (“Adamu Speaking,” Sept. 29, 2008, at
See Our Family from the Stars at
(5) Our collective will would accomplish the rest, as Matthew Ward implies here:
“Your world could be transformed into the Golden Age in the twinkling of an eye IF that belief and vision were in the collective consciousness, but it is not and so all the changes will be a process.” (Matthew’s Messages, Oct. 22, 2008.)
In my view, awakening the world by the events currently happening is part of that “process” that Matthew refers to.