by Nicky Hamid
You cannot smile, your INNER Smile and judge at the same time.
When you Smile judgement does not exist, when you judge Smile is veiled from you.
The next time you are with a person who raises a reaction in you (a judgement of them and really of yourself), stop for a moment. Go into your Smile, feel it, and be in it for a moment.
Your judgement will not be there. You will be reflecting your Love, your acceptance of what is. You will be in allowance, in your beautiful embrace of the moment.
And you can do this anywhere any time. It is only a simple matter of choice.
Try it continuously for a week.
Whenever you think of it, whatever you are doing, go to Smile.
The change in you and your world will be miraculous.
Shine On
I So Love You
PS. I am talking of internal smile, not a cerebral smile that can show on the face but can belie many other thoughts and feelings.
Did you know that when you Smile that inner smile, the brain secretes a bliss chemical mixture. The Indian mystics called it “amiya” or “honeyed dew”.
The pupils dilate, the heart beats stronger, the eyes start to glisten with the tears of lovingness, etc.
You cannot fake the feeling or the showing. The Smile looks deep into existence because it comes from the outpouring of Source triggered through your love filled consciousness>
Just imagine, right now, you are watching two kittens playing or two toddlers playing happily in a sandpit chatting together in their delight.
That that Heart expansion is part of your Inner Smile of Being.
See how you can turn it on at will.