by Nicky Hamid
On the Emergence of Men
Someone comments: “Nicky, I am so curious why it seems there are so many more women than men who comment on your writings?”
There are many reasons, not the least of which is that 80% of my friends at present are women.
We have heard for a long time now, that the Divine Feminine is rising and it has and will continue.
But who hears about the Divine masculine arising in each of us?
Not so many but growing steadily each day and accelerating.
You will see it if you look.
My clue to you is that first there comes a thoughtfulness and a withdrawal of a kind, a knowing silence. Love, quietly, slowly emerges in its manifestation and begins to be, as the truly Father and Brotherly mana that we all know of so deeply.
Then you will see the Power of Truth emerging from the ashes of the Great Cleansing. You will see it more obviously arising in men and it is beautiful to behold. And it will come unannounced, as it should. No fanfare of radical movement.
And if you look for it you will see it even here on FB on my timeline. They are here strong in their “silent” and steady emergence of opening Heart. The silent steadfastness, of power filled, reliable, ‘gentle giant’ nature of Warrior Soul in Angelic Presence.
As you recognize the Truth of your own Father Presence you will see the “Gentle men” arising in all places.
Look for it in your own open Heart and you will see it.
I So Love You
PS: And of course each man will have had to have dug deep into their own trauma, their anger, sadness, depression and grief.
But by and large it is often a personal inner journey unshared.
They have to break the power of the logical imperatives of ego mind and come to terms with their own way of experiencing and owning their finer feelings which have been suppressed since very young boyhood.
And by and large “thought” through rather than talked through.