Transmission from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council through Valerie Donner on January 8, 2025
Greetings: I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council and the Earth Council.
I greet you today with all of the love in my heart. We are excited and happy to be with you during your big shift into the Golden Age. You are remarkable beings and there is so much we want to tell you.
As experts on ascension, we Pleiadians assist other planets with their ascensions. We have been with the Earth throughout eons of time. There have been ups and downs in this process. It has taken far too long. You know it and you have suffered along with the Earth. Now the days of suffering are nearly over. We congratulate you and we put our arms around you in joy and happiness. You have reached the ultimate reward—your freedom.
We can see you standing in the Golden Light with the Earth surrounded by the most loving beings of creation. There are angels and gods and masters and beautiful ships of light with dragons and butterflies and unicorns and fairies. Everything you have dreamed of is the Golden Light. It is your future. It is beautiful!
The Golden Light will get you where you want to go. Your bodies become infused with it. Your hearts are full of it. Your vibrations are of the highest intensity that can easily be touched by more Golden Light and go much higher.
It is the time of magic and miracles that you have been promised. This is how creation works when you are allowed to be one with it. This is your time of glory and our honor to see this occur.
We are all excited to do this dance of ascension and the Golden Light with you. You have earned it!
I am Mira sending you Golden Light from my heart.