by Nicky Hamid
I hear often “I just want to go Home”
But you chose to come here and make it your home, to be at home here.
It was a Sacred Soul contract to come here at this very special time. What is the point of coming and then wanting to leave before you are finished?
Sweet friends, wherever there is love there is Home. That is all.
Wherever and whenever I feel my Lovingness and with whomever, I am Home. At Home with myself, at Home in that place, time, and in that loving Presence.
And I am feeling so at Home these days.
Sure in this density it has been difficult but at last we are seeing the results of our labour and the courage it took to come here.
The portal to Soul Self is wide open as is the door to Shadow and the chaos of the decaying human structure. Every moment we can choose which direction we are journeying.
Anywhere and anywhen there is Love, there is Home.
You are bringing Home to Earth and making it Home. It is so as I am speaking to you, in this now moment that you are reading,
I am at Home with you or I am at Home with myself. With the knowing and feeling that I am Loved, and that
I am in Love with that same one that is Being Loved.
I So Love You
PS And yearning for a galactic alternative life and getting off the planet, and clinging to some star system identity is another sidetrack.
We worked hard to get here. To lay the foundations for Love through the journey that we took. The seeds have been planted. We NOW are coming to the GOOD PART.
The tree is growing and thriving and we are about to partake of the sweet fruits of bringing Heaven and Earth together in body (of course with the support of Gaia and the Legions of Light).
Why would you want to leave when the Home coming party is about to begin.
HOW 3D of YOU.
Retrieve your natural HUman INNOCENCE