by Digger Barr
Egypt awaits
I haven’t written for a while. Not that there hasn’t been plenty to write about.
Life has been keeping me busy. My trip to Egypt is coming up quickly and there are still so many things to do to prepare.
I have been working on clearing my clutter, taking out the years of accumulation in order to have a clean slate when I return.I wish to lighten my load, empty my vessel as it were in order to have room for new experiences, different perspectives and hopefully, without question really, emerging with a higher vibration.
Although I have had immediate experiences with bliss and waves of love so powerful it is hard to wrap my mind around what could be a higher vibration than that. My releasing of baggage is helping with releasing my ideas of what I know, what I thought I knew and what I need to know.
I want to let go of all of that and allow the experience to flow.
It’s difficult not to have any expectations. The brochure is filled with ideas of what we are to experience. The words are colorful and fill the reader with expectations of a joyful experience. That is not a bad thing. That is spectacular and wonderful. And I do want it to be part of my experience. But what truly unfolds will be my experience and mine alone. There will be shared experiences but the vibration integration will be each individual’s journey. This is what I would like to be prepared for by not preempting a thing.
Sounds like irony at play.
Then it must be a good plan, because irony can’t be planned.
Listen up!.
One of the things that has been keeping me busy is the emotion of Anger.
Anger is running rampant on the planet right now. And why wouldn’t it.
As we know the fire in Lahaina has brought forward some very unsavory revelations.
The fires in my home state have brought the question closer to home.
And fires raging across the planet have got everyone’s attention.
There are many emotions flying about. But for me it’s Anger that draws my attention.
In addition to the fires and creating victimization, there seems to be a great need for accountability.
I find this to be a theme playing out not just in the devastations of homes and lives but in the everyday workings of life.
We see inflation spinning our world, the devaluation of the dollar, the strain on the wallet causing even greater stresses in the home.
If we didn’t have enough on our plates the constant pressure is making people crack at the seams.
We are short tempered and anger is rising to the surface.
But everyday people on the street cannot touch those pulling the strings.
We don’t even know who to blame, who to yell at. So how will we vent? What happens to all that emotion?
Yes, anger is on the rise and we see people acting out against complete strangers.
I shudder to think about what happens that is not seen. I have lived some of that. It’s not nice.
What I do know about anger may actually surprise people.
It should be stated clearly that Anger and accountability go together.
I don’t think anger as an emotion is entirely bad.
In fact I am willing to state that anger is an element of love.
Often we are angered because of somebody threatening our well being.
In the case of Lahaina, yes! Be very pissed off.
This is an appropriate response.
What we do with that anger is where accountability comes in.
We wish to hold those responsible, responsible.
They probably won’t be in a manner that will ever dissipate the anger for those close to the situation.
But that anger is because we have been threatened, harmed and abused.
It is not right. It shouldn’t happen. And yet it did.
Our loved ones were harmed and this creates anger.
Because we love them. The stronger the love the more fierce the anger.
We deserve to feel this. We deserve to get answers and we deserve to have accountability for this situation.
Now will anger achieve this?
I don’t think so. But it will motivate some into action.
I find anger is a good motivator.
When you see someone raise their hand to a child or a pet, you get angry and step in.
You may not have stood up to this person before, but when you see injustice, anger ignites the fire within.
Protection springs from love.
This is where we fight fire with fire.
This is where we step up and say enough.
This will be no more.
Let that fire burn within you. Feel the rage spark you into action.
Then be accountable for the action you choose.
Choose wisely. Don’t let the fire rage out of control and create more victims.
Be smart and use it to focus on the things that are important.
We have no need to waste our lives doing stupid things. Life is precious.
Be responsible with your actions.
Everything we do is important.
There is no one that is more or less important than another.
We need to love each other. Everyday. Everywhere.
And that love begins within.
It begins with you.
It begins with me.
And this love means that I will be responsible for my actions.
I will feel anger when I see an injustice and I will not be silent.
I will not be still.
I will step forward and say to someone who has been harmed. I love you. I thank you.
And if I have harmed someone I say I am sorry.
And for those perpetrators of harm. It is time to be accountable.
We all need to be accountable for our actions.
Look at what you do during the day.
Are your actions harming someone along the way? if so. Stop it.
Do your inner work. Find the thing that is making you lash out at others.
Focus your anger and get motivated to heal yourself.
Use anger it to find that core issue that needs to be healed.
Be Responsible
Be Accountable
Do it Lovingly
Ho’oponopono mantra: I am sorry . Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you
I love you more