Download Muslims Did Not Cause 9/11. We Did, here:
It’s been 22 years since 9/11.
We’re learning more and more each year about how that tremendously-tragic attack on everything progressive and decent was staged.
Everything progressive and decent?
Remember that NESARA was to be announced from the World Trade Center an hour after the attack took place. (1) For me, NESARA crystallizes everything progressive and decent.
I’ve long since stopped following the research that continues to be done into the events of that day. What I wanted to discuss now is undoing some of the evil that resulted.
In particular I refer to the vilification of Muslims.
We’re surely seeing by now how we can be led by the nose by a concerted thematic attack on a people by a controlled press, designed to hide the real culprits behind the event.
This is not Nazi Germany. This is our generation in real time – like now!
The real purposes of 9/11 seem to have been to curtail the civil rights of Americans while securing the poppy fields of Afghanistan and the oil of Iraq and Iran. Iran proved a bridge too far.
But Matthew Ward says the truth goes much farther than that, as we’re learning today:
“In the higher vibrations in which Earth is now orbiting, that truth [about who planned and executed 9/11] cannot be hidden much longer; when it emerges along with its even deeper purpose than controlling oil resources in the Mideast, which is to dominate the entire planet and kill or enslave its peoples, the Illuminati’s long reign of terror will meet its just end.” (2)
Fake pandemics and DEW attacks later, we may be ready to believe that a group really does want world control and to kill or enslave its people, and that group is not Muslim. It’s that group that caused the tragic events of 9/11. Ethnically and religiously speaking, that group is mostly American and Christian. Certainly its top planners were.
In other words, that group is us.
An elaborate but implausible scheme was concocted that involved some Muslim actors. All evidence that went against the official story was suppressed.
Here are just a few unresolved contradictions. A passenger jet could not have behaved like the “one” flown into the Pentagon. The suspected pilot, Hani Hanjour, could not have flown it. It took out the budget-oversight officials looking into the theft of $2.3 Trillion, referred to by Donald Rumsfeld the previous day. That tied up that loose end.
Firemen heard explosions – in the basement! – before the “planes” crashed into the WTC. No (credible) parts of the “aircraft” were ever found. The evidence was quickly shipped to China.
On and on the contradictions, inconsistencies, and improbabilities go that were suppressed by the mainstream media.
Meanwhile the narrative made world Islam the villain in much the same way that Hitler did world Jewry. Mullahs replaced rabbis. Accounts of them played up only negative aspects or events. Memes circulated.
The deep state created and funded terrorist organizations within the Muslim world (eg., Al Qaida, Isis) and then pointed to them as proof of their allegations about “Arab terrorists.”
The leaders who did this (the Bushes, Cheney, Rumsfeld, etc.) are mostly gone, said to be executed for their crimes (I consider any executions regrettable). But we as a society have not acknowledged our culpability in falsely accusing world Islam of somehow being behind or complicit in the crimes of 9/11.
Perhaps you’d like to join me today in asking the forgiveness of all Muslims for having suspected that they played a role in the events of 9/11. Any amount of research would have shown the allegation not to have been true.
We allowed ourselves to be stirred up by our leaders, not unlike the way we’ve allowed it today over Covid, transgenderism, climate change, and the other ways the deep state divides to conquer. We are susceptible.
Download Muslims Did Not Cause 9/11. We Did, here:
Muslims Did Not Cause 9:11 R4Footnotes
(1) NESARA stands for National Economic Security and Reformation Act, an act of the American Congress which is the keystone of a now-planetary rewrite of the global economy, government, the legal system, etc. We are still struggling to have NESARA – or now G/NESARA – announced and implemented.
NESARA’s computers were in the World Trade Center, at exactly the point where one of the “planes” (probably a DEW weapon) struck. The gold to finance NESARA was in the basement, accounting for the rivers of gold workmen reported after 9/11.
Of the cancelled announcement of NESARA, Matthew Ward said:
“All of that and more would have been explained by internationally respected persons and extraterrestrial visitors in the globally-televised program that was prevented by ‘9/11.’” (Matthew’s Message, Oct. 23, 2017, at
(2) Ibid., Sept. 14, 2008.