Ennui. Credit: politicsforum.org
I don’t seem to be alone in going through rounds of different emotions, daily.
Today I awoke with a sense of what’s best described as “ennui.”
“Ennui” is a word fashionable in Victorian times as a catch-all for a mix of negative emotions, which usually pass through us as wisps. They include depression, disappointment, dejection, desperation, etc.
The feelings are awful but they’re non-persistent and not deep. I feel down but not deep, deep down. I’m just generally glum when I experience ennui.
I seem to go through some, often negative, feeling space each morning. Once I see that, my concern for it fades into the background.
So ennui is on today’s menu.
My mood swings seem to have nothing to do with the news – or do they? On the surface, the news seems uniformly bad.
It’s really that negative news I wanted to address. May I?
In my opinion, countless civilizations from other universes and dimensions did not come here to watch the demise of the human race. (1)
When Adamu was asked about Project Bluebeam, his answer is applicable to the cabal’s efforts generally and speak to our star family’s superior technologies:
“Please, take a second. Try to think. If we are able to surround your planet with millions of ships of living light. If we are able to bring ships across thousands of light years in an instant. If our consciousness resides outside of space and time. If we can manifest a ship many miles across by desire alone. If we can defeat a warring enemy without ever attacking them. If we can disable your nuclear devices without touching them. If we can balance your planetary magnetosphere. I could go on and on.
“The point is, if we can do all these things and so much more, do you honestly think your Earth cabal’s tin toys and party favours are going to get in our way? They are not.” (2)
Those who are with us are far stronger than those who oppose us.
Up till now, those who oppose us have successfully represented activists as being on a spectrum from mentally-unbalanced to insane, depending on how near we are to the target.
And all the theater we’ve watched so far has been to overcome the conditioning of the public to reject anything labelled a “conspiracy theory.”
I can’t pretend I wasn’t a sheeple myself. I was. I can’t believe I administered a law being totally ignorant of what was really happening in the world. (3)
The cabal’s agenda, it turns out, really is to depopulate the globe through pandemics, weather warfare, destruction of the food supply, etc., leaving only a small number to serve them. Matthew referred to it in a 2008 message:
“In the higher vibrations in which Earth is now orbiting, that truth [about who planned and executed 9/11] cannot be hidden much longer; when it emerges along with its even deeper purpose than controlling oil resources in the Mideast, which is to dominate the entire planet and kill or enslave its peoples, the Illuminati’s long reign of terror will meet its just end.” (4)
Only when it becomes crystal clear to the population that that’s what the cabal were and are doing will “public will” resolve itself (A) to expel them from positions of power and (B) take whatever other measures are ethical and needed to defeat the deep state.
Those measures need to be decisive without being cruel to see that the maniacal elitism we face today, which has always led to dictatorship in the past, never rises on Planet Earth again.
I grew up immediately post-war and, as far as I and everyone else knew at the time, the threat of the elitism that all dictatorships represented was gone. Utterly gone.
So I can well appreciate the difficulty others have in accepting that, not only did it never die, it eventually threatened to vanquish the victor.
(1) See:
- Our Family from the Stars at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Our-Family-from-the-Stars-R2.pdf
- Gateway to Higher Dimensionality Vol. 2: Mass, Physical Ascension into a Brand New Space at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/Gateway-to-Higher-Dimensionality-V2-R3.pdf
(2) “Adamu Speaking,” quoted in “Project Bluebeam … Again,” June 18, 2023, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2023/06/18/345688/
(3) As a Member of the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada I was responsible for deciding who was a Convention refugee and who was not. We led lives which were purposefully cloistered from the world.
I made my decisions in complete ignorance of what was really happening, which I only began to see in 2007, after I left the Board. In Plane Site opened my eyes. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=igX7Z8VstN4)