by Digger Barr
It’s amazing how much better I feel after eating an organic green salad.
It’s amazing how much better I feel when breathing in the sweet smell of fresh rain
It’s amazing how much better I feel when I remove myself from the banter and speculation of current events.
All of this registers deep within my body, rising to my awareness as a fond memory of how things should and could be.
My body loves the proper sustenance.
My mind enjoys fresh air.
My soul thrives without the toxins of fear mongers.
Somewhere my ego grew attached to fast food, tolerant of living in pollution and addicted to screens of constant stimulation.
I can so easily justify each and every choice knowing full well there are better options.
Fast food is easier. I just need something quick.
Sitting in traffic on the freeway is my only choice. There is no other way.
I will eat this burger, sitting in my car and listening to the latest podcast to keep me company.
What is the latest theory about that last incident?
I need to feed that ego’s desire to be a part of it all.
I need to know what they say so I can be better informed than everyone else.
With each step on this road I grow further from myself.
I have a busy life so quick and easy ways to take care of myself are convenient.
When I get a free moment, I feel an urge to fill it with things that will get me through until it’s time to do the next scheduled item.
When did I become so uncomfortable with being with myself?
I take a deep breath and sit in the quiet of my house.
No screens except for the one on the open door.
Rain starts to patter on the back porch. A waft of fresh air announces a change from the smoke filled week.
I am not uncomfortable with being with myself.
I was just agitated from all of the noise and disruption from the collective.
We have been under attack.
It was and is an attempt to pry us away from our knowing.
Our deep and divine knowing of who we are and how powerful we can be.
When I take the time and really really give myself the time I deserve for self care and self nurturing, I eat better.
I breathe better. I feel better.
I remember who I am and why I am here.
My mind, body and soul come together and the ego falls in line.
Together we remember how to be.
Just be.
And then how to proceed.
It isn’t necessary to keep up with the hectic fray.
That is the long road.
When one centers and grounds you will already be there.
There is nowhere else I want to be.
Here is where Love fills my soul.
AQI 25 – take a breath. All will be well. (1)
love to all
(1) Air Quality Index – 25 is very low pollution.