August 8, 2020
Editor’s note ~ In light of Sophia’s post today on the Singularity, it feels appropriate to include this prescient channeling (aren’t they all?) from three years ago. Links to the other parts in the series are below..
Welcome to Part Three of ‘The Nuts and Bolts’ Series!
Channeled by Multi-dimensional self, Sein (See-i-ehan), Vibrational Engineer
I bring light messages, with the intention to create clear and practical paths for the newly minted ‘Unity Consciousness’ of Earth, so that you may acclimate to your new realm.
Welcome all!
Much will be changing in the coming days, and perhaps you will find yourself day-dreaming. You may notice that your thoughts are becoming less structured, and at times you may even find yourself in floating fluidity. Do not become concerned, wondering, “Why can’t I keep my mind on what I should be doing?” You’re moving in location and anchoring into a new platform. Some call this the New Earth, and that can be confusing.
Let me offer a more temporal explanation; you’re driving your car down the road (as you do every day.) You drive your car to work, go to the store and run errands, but your car is uncomfortable. It’s not the car of your dreams. Let’s face it, most of the time you’re stuck in traffic or rushing to get to a place you’d rather not go to. The scenery isn’t great either…it’s full of pavement, concrete and even decay.
When you finally get home and put your feet up, there on the TV are shows and advertisements of people driving on the open road through beautiful scenery with the wind in their hair. Why don’t you get that open road and that new car that seems to promise some kind of freedom? You know why… because it costs money. To get money you’d have to work more and perhaps have a much longer commute. So, one might safely say that this life is really not attainable. But why does it feel like it is?
You see, the problem is that the system that you have been operating within, as well as the Earth platform, has been monkeyed with. You have been operating inside a negative feed loop that funnels you around and around, and you have come to realize this. In the Earth platform’s truest form it holds great beauty, and it is this that you long for, it is this that you know is your right to experience.
Now let us say that your car is being upgraded. It will run more smoothly, the pavement will give way, and in the coming days more and more opportunities will arise for you to take the scenic routes with the wind in your hair…if you choose.
But you will have to be aware enough to look up and notice the signs. You’ll have to be willing to get out of the loop…no one else will make you.
It is the system and the platform that is changing. Are you willing to learn a new game?
Your lives will change. Your story within the new system and platform will naturally change as well, and to what extent depends greatly on your vibration.
This is NOW a time to choose. Everyone is moving. Whatever system and platform you end up on, consciously or unconsciously, the move is happening. We ask you to explore what story you would like to live.
For there are many stories and many realities now in the offering. NOW is the space in which to choose. HOW do you choose? Well … what do you find yourself seeking? What feels like you, like home? This can be a most natural process, for that life is also seeking you. Together you are a match. This is how Universal Law works, a law that had been withheld from you until now.
The word ‘Choose’ is being used most succinctly. Take a moment to absorb it, for choice had not been offered to you in its true form. In fact, being able to choose was an opportunity few within your system got to experience.
What would you like to do next? What reality, world, or story would suit you? Do you choose to stay on Earth in order to assist in the experience of building a new realm? Or do you find yourself imagining and day dreaming about some other world, some other space? So many options are available now, and it is the time to allow yourself these thoughts and daydreams, the fluidity of your soul’s desires.
Your dreams are real. Be brave, for you are within your very being an individualized blueprint of God Source…a Soul Song in Gods own voice.
You are much, and when faced with this potential, this overwhelming truth, one must steady themselves.
The Galactic and Heavenly Councils which have asked me to bring forth this message, and for which I am speaking now, have asked me to take you through what we are calling, ‘The Nuts and Bolts of Ascension’ series, in which this is the final writing, so that you may assimilate more easily and make some conscious decisions.
So, let us get into the two big questions.
Who Am I, and How Did I Get Here?
Before entering into form and while still on the other side of what some refer to as the veil, you made the choice to incarnate.
You brought together a team of those you trusted and held very dear in order to start the planning process. What were your goals? What did you wish to learn? What kind of personality and life experiences did you chose? And so the list went on, long or short. It was of your making.
Then you chose a platform from which to launch this new life, this new incarnation. An array of platforms were available, and you considered those that fit best with the choices you had already made. However, remember that Universal Law will not accept any launch into a reality that is not matched in vibrational gradient, like to like. One may move down in gradient, and that is a choice which Earth Star Seeds took within this current incarnation.
Presentations of platforms appear as and through: universes, worlds, realms, kingdoms, civilizations, elements and even species. Within some platforms, time (a linear expression of location) would be in the offering, a framework to experiment with.
Platforms are the landscapes you move within and throughout. Once inserted inside a platform, (or we could use the word matrix) you are held to all the rules and conditions set up within that platform and its varying levels, which we call systems.
So now you have chosen the platforms through which you will launch your new beingness, a fractal of yourself. One could look at this fractal of self from a number of perspectives: that it is your game piece, or that it is the character you are playing, or even that you have inserted a version of yourself into a video game.
Here is where the mind starts to spin, for the mind wants order. The mind is out of its depth in this quantum and elegant game, and it cannot possibly compute all that you are. But there is a way around the very limited structure of mind, we say…
…let us imagine. Let us pretend.
So…you’ve created the character you will play, and you are always the lead in your own game. Now you choose a costume, so to speak. You may go to ‘Wardrobe’ and use an existing costume, called a Templet.
Imagine you are in a room full of costumes…these templets are the beginnings of the character you are forming. Your choice of Templet is the scaffolding on which you will build, individualize and customize your new beingness…but it must be a good fit, as any costume should be.
This FIT is about your DNA.
Your DNA will determine what is fitting for you to wear. You are a very unique expression of DNA. Your DNA sings out a CELL SONG no matter what costume, in or out of form, that you wear. You are not your costume.
Your Cell Song expresses as DNA. Your DNA goes back to the very Beginning, to the Creator, to Creation, and as it separated, the Creator’s various expressions became known as Lineages. All Lineages have a costume room of their own, so to speak. Templets are not a one-size-fits-all.
Within a FITTING templet, you begin to custom design the costume…a button here, a stitch there. You personalize the fit and make it your own, thereby creating a personality with attributes, humors, expressions, personal preferences and so on.
You are entering a game that is already in play. The STORY at the platform’s largest scope is by agreement of the collective (everyone playing on that same platform). The agreed upon story in which you play as a whole can move, morph and change the STORY. All stories are interactive within any level of play.
Platforms can also be looked at as Grids. They only overlap at points, but let us put that aside and say that on a platform, we play from a unified field. We play the game together. But within this field each has their own story, and ultimately, we play only ourselves. So the number of beings on the platform is the sum total of how many games are being played…plus one ~ the collective game.
The STORY within the story is where MASTERY is won, for your story must follow along with the collective, and it will pull you this way and that.
You try to stick to the fundamentals of your personal story as you navigate through the larger story, bound by the rules of the platform and the movement of the collective. This is not easy!
YOUR story, the one that you uniquely fitted and tailored to your own specification, however… wiggles and moves! In fact, every breath taken, or not taken, changes the trajectory. Every thought, decision, action, feeling and emotion that you engage in morphs, remolds, slows or speeds up the game.
This is the Game.
This Ascension Story is the Ultimate Curve Ball
If you were to look at this game from the vantage point of your God Source self, that which you truly are ~ you can see yourself standing on a chess board, and projected onto it is a holographic game. In truth, it is only you standing on the board. This is how the game gets played.
But this NOW…and most especially within this game, is entering a ‘Celestial Singularity.’
NOW every platform, world, realm, and story will meet in a Singularity Event, a heavenly convergence point.
ALL in one NOW. In one space. In one time.
You are inserted into the game to beat all games!
Within the convergence and Now location in the linear time of June 20, 2020 throughout January 2021, this rare and sacred occurrence event opens from the very core of the Mother/Father/One into All That Is.
But some have forgotten in the heat of play that all current games in progress are ending, and new stories are about start. Some don’t want to give back their game pieces!
NOW each player, who has always been playing their very own game, has begun to bump into the other players, looking into other players eyes and into their game. Chaos!
Worry not Great Soul …for is this not the fun bit? Remember how much fun you thought it would be? Everyone wanted into this particular game, for this is the game to go down in our multiverse history.
All stories are scheduled to change, so let go of yours, for a whole new universe is opening to you. The old stories had their time. The ALL will draw together once more, for you are our beloved family who we have greatly missed.
From the very core of Mother/Father/One is presenting a most celestial substance, one of finest grains of light, filled with pure Christed consciousness, it comes from within ~ to without.
It comes from beyond… beyond the stories, the games, the worlds, the universes, light rivers, and timelines.
The Christing
Within the Singularity, the I AM is touching those who are ready, those who are prepared to be Christed and lifted within vibrational fields. This celestial substance is ‘The Kiss from Source’, and it lands on you as softly as the touch of a butterfly on your check in the stillest of moments. This is both accessible and available.
So please put away your distractions. The celestial dust is here, and will settle onto you if you would allow it, for it is stillness that draws it to you. Find the type of stillness that attracts butterflies and hummingbirds. Lay down within the mind onto the warmest of meadows, and there it will find you. Release the mind, for it will not serve you in this.
Imagine…open… find the place in childhood when you could forget yourself, recede and disappear… and in the stillness a soft fine sparkling celestial dust begins to float upon you, soft tingles, kisses of creation.
You knew it was coming.
All came to gather, to witness and to assist the touching of Mother/Father/One.
The Kiss, The Singularity, the Event, The Christing.
C.L. Day
Personal sharing with friends, or posting on websites and in publications is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship is given.
Part One, ‘The Nuts and Bolts’ Series, The New Crystalline Grid, October 23, 2019
Part Two,‘The Nuts and Bolts’ ~ A Vibrational Engineers Handbook, November 16, 2019