This article started out as a memoir and ended in the midst of a spiritual experience of emergence from childhood strictures (see Part 2). I just had to go with it.
Who knew, back in the Sixties and Seventies, that we were in the early years (for us) of an event that would inaugurate a new species of human, in a new region of space – now interdimensional rather than unidimensional – by a process that had never been engaged in before – a mass, physical Ascension of consciousness? (1) Who knew?
Who would have understood what you were talking about if you said aloud what I just wrote, back then? You would have been tolerated, but not understood. Cool, man, cool. Whatever you say, man.
Join the Rosicrucians and the Theosophists in their camp over there.
We thought WE were the new age, the flower children. Now we see that, as true as that always is, there’s something so much bigger happening now than we could ever have wrapped our heads around then. And even what we know now is only the tip of the iceberg.
Back then we didn’t have the wealth of channeled communication – or the opportunity to actually speak to the celestials and galactics in real time – as we’ve had.
For sure, someone in every recent age has been talking about it, in general terms perhaps.
“Imperator” talked at great length about the “New Religion” in the 1870s. (2) The Master Beinsa Douno described the Ring of Fire/Wave of Love in the early 20th Century. (3)
At mid-century, Silver Birch often talked about the New Age coming. (4)
St. Germain and Hilarion were speaking to us in the Sixties and Seventies. Djwhal Khul and Koot Humi. All was about mystery schools and adepts and a coming New Age in which we’d know God.
The Fifth Dimension was singing It is the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius. (5) Books like Marilyn Ferguson’s The Aquarian Conspiracy gave us understanding and direction. Everyone reported back from treks to India….
And as if to bring undesirable attention to a halt, the music stopped.
The first jobless recovery – from the Recession of 1982 – left a pool of unemployed workers, creating a buyer’s market for labor. Thanks to automation, the release of workers would only continue and increase. The party was over.
Articles were appearing saying stop finding yourself and get a job. The party’s over, etc.
We wouldn’t have had the language to discuss Ascension back then.
We’ve (OK, I’ve) been through so many adjustments and expansions since then – discovering life has a purpose; seeing that Brahmajnana (God-Realization) is not the be-all and end-all of enlightenment; discovering that enlightenment is virtually endless; that “dimensions” exist; that galactics, archangels, and the Mother exist, all of whom we can speak to….
If we were taffy, I feel well kneaded since those days. And supplied with a vocabulary. And shown a way I can publish my research and have a readership (this blog).
All of this is available now and makes the task of communicating new ideas – what research has uncovered – possible. Otherwise I’d be talking to myself in a closet.
Or writing letters on my new 1959 Smith Corona portable typewriter (see above). My first new typewriter, replacing a 1920s Remington.
“Look what I found!” I’d report to my friends in Oregon and California, to magically get a reply by mail two weeks later.
Oh, wow! We’re in touch!
(Spiritual experience in Part 2, concluded tomorrow.)
(1) See Gateway to Higher Dimensionality: Volume 2: Mass, Physical Ascension into a
Brand, New Space at
(2) See:
- “Imperator’s ‘New Revelation,’” May 19, 2010, at
- Imperator’s New Revelation at
(3) See:
- “Beinsa Douno: The Wave of Divine Fire,”
- “Beinsa Douno’s Last Prophecy of the Golden Age,”
- “Beinsa Douno’s ‘New Epoch,’” Revised May 19, 2010, at
(4) See:
- “Silver Birch’s New World,” Sept. 12, 2022, at
- Silver Birch’s New World at