by Nicky Hamid
The Real Secret of becoming More…….. Let Go
A huge key to letting go is knowing that life will give you something better than whatever it asks you to give up.
It is the secret of being fearless, of being at peace with yourself. Knowing your own Divine Beingness.
When you realise that life is one beautiful whole movement, a Flow that cannot contradict itself, that is not in conflict with anything it does within itself. That we as human beings, all of us, have the ground of that very stuff within our Soul.
That there is only One person here and that is me/you/us, and so there is no competition, no “haves” and “have nots”.
We resist things, we try to control them, simply because we think that life has come to take something away. This was the implant of long ago, it is a downright lie, and you must remove it forever in every twisted belief that is reflected back at you.
And remember often it is the beautiful gift of others to reflect back these twisted images so that you can identify them and choose to let them go.
In a way life HAS come to take something from you but it gives to you always something MORE.
Life comes along to disturb you out of your complacency, and inertia, into new possibilities through your recognition of You as higher being with higher purpose (Potential), as Soul You. Through the experience of the indescribable Joy of the expansion of your own Lovingness.
First you learn to ignore your doubts and step back from them. Then, seeing the doubts pop up, you choose to Smile and say “I see you, no thank you”. Then you see them float by becoming fewer and fewer and less and less consequential. Eventually they will only impinge if you happen to focus deliberately.
It is your resolute and gentle, subtle and deep intent to be All That You Are, Here and Now. Knowing that life will give you something better than whatever it asks you to give up, is the same knowing you discover when you let go with Love, more of the most exquisite and exhilarating experience of Love, synchronicity, harmony, peace and loving connection flows through and around you.
You see it everywhere and all becomes so easy.
I see you Shining.
I So Love You