Judith Kusel
I am so brought back to the Divine Law of Responsibility this morning.
The Law of Responsibility goes hand in hand with the Divine Law of Cause and Effect, you reap what you sow, and these two Laws, like all Divine Laws are exact.
It is most certainly true for all Lightworkers at this time, for all that they energetically put out there, radiate forth, and indeed sow, in one form or another, or how they put themselves out there in whatever form this may be.
The more you are in leadership role, or teacher, or guide, or even in the way you have influence on other people’s lifes in some form or another, you have added responsibility.
This goes into every thought you think, every word you speak, every action you take or not take.
Indeed, when thoughts, words and deeds are not in highest alignment these Laws, life will immediately reflect the results to you, and almost instantly now.
Purity is the Key word for this time.
If you cannot be seethrough – then impurities will show up and how!
There is a deep wisdom behind it all as the energies this month and in the past weeks or so, are lifting us into even higher vibrational frequency bands, were all is instant. More than this, I find that now that the moment something happens, that throws me out a bit, I immediately anchor myself in, get centered again, and then immediately ask for help and surrender to the Greater Will.
During a time of my life, when my whole life disintegrated and I had to start a totally new life, I was given this mantra, and I am sharing this with you today. It has served me incredibly since then:
“I am trusting that everything will work out in the highest and best ways, for the highest and best for all concerned, and far better than I can even imagine right now.”
Indeed, this time is about surrendering the EGO and allowing the Higher Soul Self to take totally over, AS ONE with the DIvine, fully embracing DIVINITY within – the Kingdom of Heaven within AS ONE.
“I know who I AM in truth.
“I know what I AM in truth.
“I know how to serve with Love and in Truth”
Unconditional Love.
Are keys words.
Key attributes.
Keys to life and life more abundantly.