And then I realized that they weren’t the only stairsteps. The gunas, or cosmic forces, described in Hinduism, are also, as the Mother herself says here. Let me give that discussion first and then focus in on the gunas:
Steve: [I’d like to] know if the gunas, the cosmic forces which are called Rajas, Sattwa, and Thamas, are the same as the Trimurthy [Triad] of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva.
Divine Mother: Yes. We are the same as that triad.
S: All right. And the Trimurthy of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva is a subset of the Universal Creative Vibration [Akar Ukar Makar or AUM] that you are at your essence. Is that correct?
DM: That is correct. It [the Trimurthy] is much the same as we have been speaking of. It is a way in which my beloved children can come to know me and to have that experience. It is formless, and yet it is form. It is a way of connection, and it is a way of understanding and entering into a higher vibration of being. So it helps the emergence into my energy.
S: Sort of like stair steps?
DM: That is correct. (1)
It was one of the highpoints of my life to have the Mother confirm the facts in this discussion – the equation that emerges from it is one of the bases of my view of cross-cultural anthropology. (2)
Let me leave the discussion of the dimensions as stairsteps for another time. I’d like to zero in on the gunas. The gunas are the cosmic forces by which the Mother builds, preserves and transforms. They are of three types and represent increasingly-more refined vibrations emerging in the individual.
The lowest is thamas or lethargy, sloth. This person operates largely from conditioned behavior and sensory satisfaction. They can create lives of what S.N. Goenka called darkness going into more darkness or they can decide to reform and move into the light.
The middle force is rajas or creativity, busy-ness, constant activity. This person often operates from the intellectual level of right/wrong, good/bad, and other dualities in the pursuit of goals which can often be ego- or survival-driven. I think of them (and I am among them) as being a little darkness (ego) going into the light.
The highest force is sattwa or purity. This person has cleansed themselves of enough core issues that their ability to experience is freed up. They follow their higher feelings or heart. I think of them as light going into more light.
As the love energies on the planet increase and increase, I think you’ll find people either moving from thamas to rajas or from rajas to sattwa – or else leaving the planet if they refuse to surrender to the Ascension vibrations. (3)
Of course there are states beyond sattwa but for us, ascending out of the Third Dimension, I’m sure sattwa would be enough!
(1) “The Divine Mother: Come to Me as I Come to You – Part ½,” Oct. 17, 2012, at
(2) Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva (the Trimurthy) = Rajas, Sattwa, and Thamas (the gunas) = Akar, Ukar, and Makar (AUM) = inbreath, pause, and outbreath = Creation, Preservation, and Transformation = The Pattern of the Mother’s activity.
(3) Some will not choose to go with us. See:
- Not Everyone will Choose to Come with Us: The Time of Separation at
- Some will Choose not to Ascend: The Time of Separation at