by Nicky Hamid
Every one of us is experiencing, in one form or another, many things arising at once within us, that are disturbing, disruptive and confused. You cannot solve or resolve, or dissolve these in the old ways.
No amount of searching, controlling or agonizing over it will work.
Stop dropping into angst (fear), doubt, or grief.
How do you manage the depth of this?
You first and foremost bring your Love to bear on yourself. Not just thoughts of Love but a greater depth of the feelings of Love you have for the Beauty, Grace, Intelligence, Abundance and Infinite Possibility of Who you are.
It takes intention and attention. Constant reminding , doing and activation through your choice to see, feel and Know your own innate, and the Masterful choice of Love for YOU.
You are being CHALLENGED by Soul Being You are.
How willing are you, as HUman, to hold to your own Truth Knowing above anything. That which you have even conjured up thorough deep desire for yourself.
It often appears now as it has arrived and yet there will be a “BUT” and what you desired is present yet it does not sit right because its Presence makes you feel, as personality, “small”, lesser, somehow unworthy or “off the mark”.
To intend to choose the highest that you can feel in any given moment, you need to attend first and foremost to generating that feeling of the Love that you ARE.
Everything else arises in you physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually just for your simple attention to it.
Nothing else but to choose your Love and to say “Wow, I see you, I recognize you, and I So Love You. Thankyou, thankyou”.
Nothing else to do because in this the “other person” (victim human) immediately loses the grip on you, its truth value for you.
It may have seemed “real”, but is it a true reflection of You? No of course not.
All it needs is your acknowledgment, without self-judgement, without any reason to remain because you can
Truly say “I Love You just as you are here and Now.”
So stop scaring yourself, Pause and Smile as you let go and walk away as it passes by.
“Thankyou, thankyou, now I Know and I can choose to be, what I have always longed for”
I So Love You
Inspiration: William Wordsworth wrote of the sight of the child in us all:
“There was a time when meadow, grove, and stream,
The earth, and every common sight,
To me did seem
Apparelled in celestial fire,
The glory and the freshness of a dream.”
WE are returning to this Beloved Ones
The Light (Celestial Fire) is Everywhere.
“And all things shall be added unto you”.