What’s coming down the pike? What are we expecting in the future, in the unfoldment of the Divine Plan? Matthew Ward told us recently:
“The unconscionable disparity between the few ‘haves’ and the billions of ‘have-nots’ will end and everyone will share in the planet’s abundance. The global economic system based on precious metals that will replace the current corrupt system will protect honestly-earned savings and investments.
“Scientific and technological developments the dark ones have been using malevolently will be taken out of their control and used beneficially. The planet’s damaged environment will be restored. There will be what you call free energy and grand innovations in healthcare, education, transportation, communication, agriculture and construction.” (1)
The scientific and technological developments include things like
- the Looking Glass, a future-viewing apparatus;
- med beds, used by the deep-state space fleet to restore “twenty-and-back” super soldiers after twenty years service off-planet and now used to restore us;
- anti-gravity vehicles (AGVs);
- replicators, which give us what we ask for;
- computers the size of a bindi;
- etc.
Look around you perhaps at your surroundings – especially the rundown parts of town – because all of this will be transformed. Partly by our own building but partly because of the nature of our higher surroundings and our own enhanced capabilities.
To give you one small example, I believe it was Archangel Gabrielle who said on Heavenly Blessings that the angularity, the squareness of our buildings would give way to more rounded, flowing structures.
I think we know this somewhere inside because our imagined pictures of future buildings are usually rounded:
They’re still square but bulging at the middle, to give us more room. Our idea of the best shape, I suppose – pleasing to the eye but with maximal room to use.
But look, here I am, almost through this article and I, like so many others, fail to get to the most important thing about this landscape – its inception, its statement, its principle – love.
Unless and until we experience the love that exists on the higher dimensions, all descriptions of life “there” are incomprehensible.
How do they do that? What governs their behavior? Surely those people are not smiling just because they have replicators and AGVs.
No, they’re not. It’s because – whatever else they have or have not – they’re immersed in a river of love, a ceaselessly-flowing current of that which causes in us the most exquisite of delightful feelings – love.
Add that now to the picture and we’re beginning to approximate what lies ahead of us. On the outside, technological marvels; on the inside, a more exquisite inner landscape than anything external or imaginable.
(1) Matthew’s Message, April 3, 2023.