(Concluded from Part 1, above.)
Archangel Michael: You have reached a point in your heart, in your being, in your life, in your consciousness where you are realizing … the magnitude of our partnership. (1)
I did. I am. I’m sobered.
I’m beginning to glimpse the magnitude of it all. There’s nothing small or boring about what we’re involved in and the Company of Heaven, as I now see, are waiting for us to own it.
To take personal responsibility for the shape the world is in now and be responsible for fixing the planet. That’s what’s being asked of us. And to have fun doing it. (2)
You certainly have my attention now. This is exciting.
We’ll recognize our instructions at a soul level when we receive them, just as the Federation of Light said. (3) That certainly describes my situation.
I get that the same opportunity for co-creative partnership awaits everyone who wants and asks for it. (I’m not jealous or possessive!)
If other people don’t follow on and make that connection with their celestial partner, a major component of what Michael and I are doing will fail. Michael has already encouraged people to ask him. (4) They want us to work with them. It’s the coming of age of humanity.
This is not designed to be a once-only phenomenon. As Michael said:
Archangel Michael: As things are shifting, as the, shall we call it, new awareness, heightened awareness, interdimensional reality – because that is truly what we are talking about – as this truly anchors, not only in the heart, but in the thought patterns, the behaviour patterns of human beings, the idea of working with an Archangel is in fact going to be commonplace. (5)
Good. What an incredible privilege and opportunity for everyone who takes the invitation up. I can surely vouch for that.
He says that they no longer do for us, except when we’re headed for a fall (or ingesting a toxic substance or burning the building down!). Now they want to work with us.
Archangel Michael: Human beings need to come to the understanding that they are co-creators with us, that we are in a sacred partnership. We have said so many times that we do not do necessarily in the way that you may have previously conceived of doing for humanity. We do with you. We co-create with you. (6)
I can’t sit still thinking about it. I’m reminded of what the Mother says:
Does [the thought of your project] bring joy to your heart? Does it ignite that wonderful smile in your tummy? Does it make your feet tap, wanting to get going? Does it feel like love? Does it feel that you could take this project, whatever it is, and show it to me in full confidence and pride that this is something that you are offering yourself, each other, and the multiverse, the omniverse? (7)
Yes, Mother. I’m jumpy, can’t sit still, and jubilant. Let the show begin!
(1) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Aug. 17, 2018. (Hereafter AAM.)
(2) Archangel Michael: If you are not taking time for joy, for laughter, for love, then you are not completing your mission. (AMM, May 21, 2015.)
(3) Federation of Light: When the appropriate time for them to be opened is upon you … you shall know … quite clearly.
The instructions within each ‘Envelope’, metaphorically speaking … will be downloaded unto you … and your BEING shall be quite clear regarding that which it is meant to do.
Each individual’s instructions were designed in a manner that will enable them to carry out these ‘wishes’ with a certainty of Soul KNOWINGNESS.
For it was the Soul’s agreement to do so before they came to Earth. (“The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild, Oct. 2, 2022″ at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2022/10/01/the-federation-of-light-through-blossom-goodchild-oct-2-2022/.)
(4) Steve Beckow: It’s easy to see how I can be in this partnership, Lord, given that I and the others on InLight Radio do a radio show but it may not be as easy for other people who don’t do radio shows and things like that to know how they can be in partnership.
Archangel Michael: I will make it very simple. Choose your favorite archangel. I hope you choose me. (Both laughing) It is a good thing that we are allowed to tease and play with each other.
I would not be chastised for such a statement because we see it as a joke and that is one of the things we want you to do with us and more as well. Play with us. Joke with us. Treat us as your allies, as your best friends. Every day, simply say to me, Michael, from your heart, always from your heart, “Michael, what would you wish me to do today?”
SB: Oh, I love that direction!
AAM: It is that simple. (“Remembering Who is Here and What We Know – Part 4/4,” March 28, 2023, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/?p=343660 .)
(5) On another occasion he said:
Archangel Michael: This is a very big change in the very nature of how we have worked with humanity.
S: I thought it was because humanity was growing up, not that it was general throughout the universe.
AAM: It is because humanity is growing up. And you’ve grown up enough to be able to work as co-partners with us. (AAM, Oct. 29, 2014.)
(6) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Kathleen Mary Willis and Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, after West Coast Express, Oct. 29, 2014.
(7) She continues:
Divine Mother: Now, if it does not give you that feeling, then set it aside. Go on to the next idea. Because the inspiration that you are being flooded with — and I mean each and every one of you; you are not in a lull, you are overwhelmed with ideas. So go to the next one, and say, all right, is this the one that makes my heart sing? And it may be a multitude of steps.
Do what feels like unbridled joy. That is how you create Nova Earth. That is how you say, as a human, as a creator race, this is how I work with the elementals, with the kingdoms, with the devas, with the planet, with my guides, with my star brothers and sisters, with the Company of Heaven. (“The Divine Mother Blesses Nova Earth Day, Feb. 14, 2013,” at http://goldenageofgaia.com/building-nova-earth-toward-a-world-that-works-for-everyone/nova-earth-day/the-divine-mother-blesses-nova-earth-day-feb-14-2013/.)