(Concluded from Part 1, above.)
We heard the Mother casually drop the comment, “the life that you have designed – yes, with us – for yourself….” (1)
I designed my life? With “us.” Who is “us”? (2)
Based on what I’ve been able to piece together from other comments, that team for a lightworker angel (that’d be all of us) would ordinarily consist of the Mother, our archangel, our universal Self, our guardian angels, and any who attach to us as temporary spirit guides or mentors (who often overlight us). This design team sees ours as an enlightenment partnership. (3)
They’re steering our ship from that side; we are from this side. Michael calls himself my “wingman.” (4)
This enlightenment partnership is something that classical enlightenment sources didn’t go into very much, if they knew about it.
The Mother discusses the role of our guiding team here:
Steve: Implicit in what you are saying, Mother, is something that hasn’t been really talked about very much and that’s that the archangels or somebody else is managing our enlightenment experiences, timing, intensity… Am I correct in that?
Divine Mother: It is a Board of Directors rather than being, “managed by.” That concept, the way that you have phrased it, dear heart, implies that you are being “managed.” And that is not correct.
[Steve: Otherwise, it ‘d be a violation of free will.]
Now also know – and it is delightful to speak about this – the timing, the pacing – and when I say “pace,” I mean the sequential unfoldment – of an Enlightenment process is such that of course you have a guardian [angel] and usually an archangel that is working with you so that it is humanly and can we say, soul or esoterically – via your universal self – managed.
So very often, the construct was that things were done for you or certain things were placed in front of you. Now I am not saying that there aren’t a great many things that are put in front of you and done for you continually.
But you are far more involved and engaged in your Enlightenment process in terms of literal, actual, physical, mental, emotional engagement than you have been previously. (5)
Far more involved? So we were becoming enlightened even when we were not involved? Interesting….
So there’s a look behind the scenes at our enlightenment partnership with the Company of Heaven, as we move gradually up the ladder of consciousness.
It shows from various angles why our enlightenment experiences as lightworkers and angels need to be toned down (if they do) or made to unfold gradually.
It’s all working, just slowly. It has to be that way for all of us to reach what the Buddha called “the other shore” – and not individually any more, but all together. (6)
(1) Divine Mother in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Oct. 26, 2018.
(2) For a fuller answer, see What is a Soul Contract? at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/What-is-a-Soul-Contract.pdf
(3) I say this having pieced together descriptions of my team from the Mother, the Lord Arcturus, and my twin flame Annastara. See Our Enlightenment Partnership, ibid.
(4) Archangel Michael: We step forward in the fulfilment, you on Earth, on this beloved planet called Gaia, I as your wingman, quite literally. (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, March 10, 2017.) (Hereafter AAM.)
AAM: [Your leadership] is in the arena of communication and it is also in the arena of, particularly, how one communicates. (AAM, March 28, 2018.)
AAM: Your role is as my right hand in human form [in the area of communication], as I am your right hand in archangelic form. We are a team. (AAM, July 8, 2015.)
(5) The Divine Mother in “What a Blessed Relief! – Part 1/2,” August 3, 2021, at ;
https://goldenageofgaia.com/2021/08/03/what-a-blessed-relief-part-1-2/ and in An Ascension Ethnography at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/An-Ascension-Ethnography-8.pdf
(5) As we committed to in 2012. We could have gone then and a fraction of Earth’s population would have ascended, but we asked instead to be given more time to bring many more of the population along.
On this subject, see “Explanations of 21/12/12” at http://goldengaiadb.com/index.php?title=After_The_Midpoint#Explanations_of_21.2F12.2F12