A respected commentator writes:
“When a government has to borrow just to pay interest on its debt, it is bankrupt.
“So the 200 trillion dollar question is: what will happen when the US goes bankrupt [on June 5?]?
“If it is an uncontrolled bankruptcy, US soldiers at 800 bases around the world will not get paid and will have to resort to armed robbery or go out on the street with begging bowls.
“Inside the US, government services will collapse and law and order will disintegrate. There will be a bloody period of anarchy and probably the break up of the US into various countries before the situation stabilizes. Think of the collapse of the Soviet Union times ten.”
As much as I love the commentator and have benefitted from his research and viewpoint over the years, I don’t see our future in quite such bleak terms.
Admittedly we seem to be playing a game of chicken. But all the resources of Heaven and Earth stand ready to intervene when the cabal surrenders, which I’m persuaded is unlikely at this moment.
More likely is for the population to wake up and rise up, demanding military intervention, following which martial law will be declared – and the truth will be given.
In the meantime, with access to all the gold in the world – literally and figuratively – I doubt that the military will lack the means to pay its soldiers.
The Quantum Financial System is up and running. The old financial system, controlled by the cabal, is disintegrating. In the background, G/NESARA awaits no more than the final word. (1)
There is a plan. (2)
(Concluded in Part 2, below.)
(1) See What is NESARA? at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/What-is-NESARA-R2.pages.pdf
(2) See “There is a Plan: Reading List,”