I haven’t been thrilled with the acupuncture treatment I started in January, having noticed zero improvement with pain level or mobility. Traditional Chinese Medicine, like many modalities, holds that we must first address the emotional and/or etheric causes of pain; dealing with a problem solely on the physical level may treat a particular symptom, but it’s unlikely to cure the root cause.
I knew I needed to commit to a number of sessions in order to experience improvement. Nonetheless, after several months went by, I started feeling disenchanted. I took stock of how many sessions I’d had, checked with my intuition for guidance from Universe, and concluded that my next session would be my last.
On the way to the appointment, I put focused intention into making this session really count. I wanted ample needle time and I wanted it in the pain areas, not just to “clear liver energy.“ During the 20-minute drive, I kept repeating my request, which came out more like an unapologetic command to Universe.
At the acupuncturist’s office, I answered her questions, but I withdrew from real engagement—not exactly mistrustful, just somewhat aloof. I’ve seen this acupuncturist intermittently for decades and she’s very empathetic and approachable. I could have easily said, “I really want you to focus on treating the pain today,” but I said nothing.
Thirty-six needles later…She placed a dozen needles in the painful leg and hip area, and many more elsewhere. By the end of a session that went ten minutes longer than usual, something had definitely changed. Perhaps it was because I was accepting the healing on a more sincere level. But I really believe that this treatment had depth and power because I had commanded it in no uncertain terms.
Although pain is still there, I’m sensing a change of the no-going-back variety. It’s the same irrevocable shift I felt after having a Trans-Scalar Healing in 2017. A chunk of blocked energy that had manifested as a repetitive stabbing pain vanished for good after that session.
Maybe we’re only gifted with one such physical demonstration in a lifetime, a proving that becomes embedded in us, whether we consciously believe in such miracles or not.
Last week, I asked Spirit for a better experience at the acupuncturist’s office, one in line with pain eradication. Without my uttering a word to that effect, the acupuncturist completely changed her protocol and focused on treating the pain area.
What more proof of grace could I ask? I made a clear request and I received a resounding response in the affirmative. I got exactly what I asked for, and then some. I even made another appointment for acupuncture in a couple of months, giving myself ample time to explore whatever my new physical reality is becoming.
What shall I ask for next? Whatever it is, it had best to be something I truly want, something for my highest and best good. Because it’s entirely possible that whatever it is, it might show up at the speed of Spirit manifesting.