“Phil reveals a huge intel drop, regarding an event that took place earlier this week. What do Oranges signify?”
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12:40 ~ Music’s over, Phil appears.
31:50 ~ He starts discussing his intel.
First ~ Over this past week, there’s been an extraordinary “squeezing of the cojones” of someone who is enormously big. The death that has occurred this week has NOT been announced anywhere yet.
This is one of the two things [items of intel] that are compartmentalized. It will not be announced until the conclusion of everything we’re going through now, which is not too far away.
The death that I’m speaking of came via suicide. The coward killed himself.
Things are starting to look very, very intriguing when you look at the Q-drops. The White Hats had years to put this together, and that’s why they put together the Q-drops. And then you see all these things that Q was talking about happen!
This death is not yet reported… yet.
The squeezing, the slow squeeze, or like a massaging of the cabal ~ was just too much. The walls were closing in, and AND THERE WAS JUST NO ESCAPE. This particular death, it was the day I recorded the Phil Collins video, In the Air in my car. We needed this person gone for a long time now. It is very, very bad for the DS, for the kingpin.
Each of you know who it is. I’ve already left clues on my telegram channel. There are two clues posted there so far. I’m not at liberty to tell you who this is. I cooperate with the plan because I think the overall plan is good for all on this earth.
Second ~ More of this info had to do with other events that happened in the past week or two.
Things are going to be significantly RAMPING UP between now and the end of June.
June 20 event will be eye-opening to us and to others who are not awake.
The White Hats know that people watch me and others. The White Hats know you are awake. We have accomplished waking up both sides that there is election fraud!
- 72 % now believe that the 2020 election was fraudulent. We’re not talking about policies.
- 72% believe it was stolen. It was!
- 52% of democrats think the election was stolen!
We’ve done our part. Now the focus has shifted to people who don’t listen.
And it’s time for them. We’ve hit the over 70 % threshold. We have finally made it to a major, major hurdle. The White Hats needed that level of people awake. They did not want a civil war. You stood by the truth.
You woke up and caused people to look into things further. I’m sooo proud of you guys, of each and every one of you for holding that line. Ridding the world of these SoBs is the only thing that matters.
Major events are coming that will wake up everyone between now and June 20th.
You’re looking at quick trials, quick tribunals for these criminals. Military tribunals will be fast.
Sealed indictments = 500,000 sealed indictments.
Two or 3 days — charged and done with trial.
One after another, after another, after another.
There are various trial sites around the world.
It just depends where the criminal is from.
There will be Military Judges; The Alliance Military. Putin running some and also Pres Xi is running some. It is not just the United States Military.
It’s a world military. A completely blown-up version of NATO. And that Military is going to be responsibility for The Take Down.
I don’t know of any events that could stop this. There’s nothing I see currently.
This is going to make the reward sooo much more sweeter once the reward comes.
It’s God’s work!
Three words — Gold, Silver, Real Estate. Diversify your portfolio.
You better buckle up. Get ready. Get ready.