by Nicky Hamid
Just for the next 24 hours.
Whenever you think of it, In whatever situation you are in or whatever you are doing.
Step back into your heart and ask.
How would love it see it?
What would love do? What would love say?
See, you do know?
How amazing you are when you choose Love.
I So Love You
Waves of love are present in the space deep within your heart.
Hand on Heart.
Take a breath and feel your mind dropping into your heart. And as you breathe out feel the breath go out the eye of your heart.
Three times the breath and then simply be there in that centre in the Soul of You.
Breath your Holy Presence.
Let it expand out through your body out in all directions into your Field.
Simply intend and allow.
You are Home.
Pic- Greeting the Morning Light