Lightworker’s Creed
I as a lightworker vow to shine God’s light with compassion and grace.
I vow to reside in the Heavenly realms of light each day, to strengthen the awareness of light and love, to practice multiple times a day until it becomes a flowing way of being.
I vow to love all that I see with the heart of a Buddha, a Bodhisattva, a Christed one.
For residing as a lightworker in this dimension elevates exponentially the beings and life around me.
I vow to practice pure thinking, speech and action. Knowing the light only serves, only loves, only blesses.
I vow to be that which I was called into existence to be, God’s Lightworker of Love.
Sometimes we need a decree or words of power to strengthen our resolve as lightworkers. My suggestion: Go into meditation, reach up to the heavens with your heart love, and ask for Creator Source to share the most powerful affirmation for the highest good of all concerned in a language you can understand and remember. Write it down. This is your amulet from heaven.