From the Universal Law of Give and Receive:
Greetings, I Am Sanat Kumara, I Am Raj, Keeper of the Universal Laws.
Like you beloved ones, Servant of the Mother, I come to speak to you this day about the Universal Law of Give and Receive, and yes, as the channel has said, it is an extension of the Law of Balance.
It is finding that balance within the uniqueness of your being and adhering to it.
There is a misunderstanding or shall we say an incomplete understanding on the planet of Gaia about this Law and how it operates.
All you have need to do is to look to Gaia to understand the truth of how this works.
Gaia in her sweetness and in her power, houses and creates, is home to all kingdoms including the human kingdom, to the plants, to the trees, to the earth, to the sky, to the elements, to the minerals, the air, the fire, the water.
Yes, and that means the volcanoes, the oceans, the puddles, the streams, the very air you breathe. And she gives this and supplies this pretty much endlessly.
And the only places where that does not occur is where the interference of the humankind and the turning away of humankind has destroyed that.
But even in those difficult situations, shall we say, of extreme pollution there is still the giving by Gaia of air, of water, of soil, of minerals.
She gives and gives and gives, and at times we would say from our perspective she has given even to her detriment, but you see, our opinion in this doesn’t really count.
It is what Gaia chooses to do, just as each of you choose to give.
But what is on the balance of receive? Again look to Gaia.
She witnesses and sees and receives the gratitude, as you do not think of it this way, but perhaps we can expand your understanding of this; that the molecules of the ocean, every drop of water, sings her praises, that the trees bow to her and sway, that the flowers grace her with beauty and scent, that the roots of the trees that go so deep into her heart, they do so not only to draw upon her strength, her wisdom, her nutrients, her water, but they also travel downwards to hug her, to be with her.
The animals dance and play and express their gratitude; from the river otter to the tiger, they all honor and know, and for Gaia this has been what she chooses to receive.
In the older times, and in many ways when the human beings, the collective, were more sophisticated, the honoring of Gaia, the giving of gifts – and no we do not include human sacrifice in this – but the giving of gifts, the ritual, the ceremony, the connection, was also a receiving to Gaia.
It was a giving of the humans, but it was a receiving with great joy on her part, and so now, so many human have forgotten.
But you my beloved friends, you are the re-patterners, you are the wayshowers, you are the re-griders and you give this gratitude to Gaia, this acknowledgement of her beauty, of her might, of her love and support and she receives it with a glad heart and enormous gratitude.
And then what does she do with it?
She returns it to you as energy, as bounty, as support.
You see the flow of give and receive is unending.
It is in accordance with the Law of Movement, the Law of Change.
There is a never-ending flow but it is the balance between the give and the receive. And as Gaia receives your gratitude, your love, your expressions of love, then she receives that energy, the fuel of the universe is love.
So you refuel her and then she refuels you, and so it goes. . .
Now, what can you do in this particular cycle? because do not forget as Planetary Logos I see the unfoldment of the Mother’s Plan on Earth.
Not just with humans, but with All.
Gaia has anchored now very fully and firmly in the 5th dimension.
It is her new home and of course you are there with her.
So what can you give her in this time of change and the dissolution, elimination of the old 3rd? What can you give her?
It is your willingness to release all the old, all the old false grids, the old ways, the illusions of separation, of lack, of self-worth, of fear.
Let this be your gift to her. And then receive from her the conscious, heart-knowing of being with her fully and completely in the 5th dimension and therefore all dimensions and realities.
This is the biggest gift and you would give it not only to Gaia but to all of us; this is part and parcel of your Ascension and I am asking you:
Give us your illusions.
It is the most precious gift that we could possibly receive at this juncture and at this time of your jump in consciousness, in the expansion of your heart and the realization that you are Love and nothing else.
You may think that you are skin and bones and a bit of hair, but even that dear heart, the fibers of that creation are Love.
Gaia, this mighty archangel, lives in accordance with the Law and hence, she is a powerful transmuter.
So do not think that if you are giving her your illusions, your vasanas, your issues and every false grid that has ever existed within humanity, that you are somehow burdening her.
It is transmuted back to light and love – faster than the blink of an eye.
This flow is the speed of Love.
The give and receive is at the speed of love and that is the speed of light squared.
You do not yet have measurements on earth for this but certainly your star brothers and sisters do. And while you are at it, what do you choose to give your star brothers and sisters?
Perhaps you could give away the residue that makes your fields incompatible and perhaps you could receive from them the upgrades, the Love, the attunement in the vibrations so that you can have the fullness of your meet and greet.
What can you give each other and the most important, beloveds, what can, will do you give to yourself?
You cannot give away your energy and not replenish yourself.
So as you give, it is the Law you must receive.
And even though you are inadvertent law breakers, it matters not.
Now is the time for this course correction.
From the Universal Law of Give and Receive with Sanat Kumara
and Channel for the Council of Love, Linda Dillon, 09 09 13