by Digger Barr
The greatest thing I could ever learn is being One in nothingness.
I want to achieve quietness within that is void of all things.
I want to be in the world with complete detachment.
Simultaneously, that’s impossible.
Welcome to Planet Earth.
We are learning every moment of every day. All of our senses bring in information that registers somewhere in our bodies.
We start absorbing the information creating responses, even developing memories.
A whiff of pollen floats through the air and goes up our nose, making us sneeze.
The level of interaction there is massive and it isn’t anything anyone would have control over.
One could take measures to avoid it occurring again so now we have developed behavior and create new thoughts based on previous responses.
We start to get complicated.
Quieting the mind is important, but learning nothing is difficult if not impossible.
The insulting phrase, Have you learned nothing?, is void of applying this basic concept.
A better question when chastising someone would be, Why did you want to repeat this lesson?
I am not here to develop insults or brow beat anyone. I am looking for a way to unpack our baggage.
Let me rephrase that. I am looking for a way to unpack my baggage.
That means looking at things I have attached to along the way.
When I return from a trip, my suitcase goes on the living room floor. This is halfway between my closet and the washing machine.
The unpacking process may take a while or happen right away depending on circumstances.
I noticed that I do not need to take everything out of the bag because I travel often enough it is convenient to leave some things in place.
The sorting begins and things go to the laundry, back in a drawer or stay put.
I actually need to look, touch and decide on everything I have packed.
Let’s look at this process when we face inward and start looking at our emotional baggage.
Does this idea trigger you? Did you have a visceral response to that thought?
Would you rather keep the bag packed and just keep wearing dirty laundry?
It is difficult and most of us would rather not unpack until something occurs and we are forced to do it.
Our bags just remain packed, in the middle of the floor, as we step around it.
When I unpack, I have emotional connections to each thing.
I need to review that attachment and decide to let go, hang on to it or analyze it further.
Maybe it’s a favorite shirt I never travel without. But now it’s stained or worn out.
Some things are harder to let go of than others.
There are things that we have learned to carry along with us that are very handy and I would even label as essentials.
These essentials will vary from person to person depending on our habits and health needs.
Once established these items may need to be reviewed or updated but can stay in the bag.
It’s nice to have them when You need them. It is wonderful to be prepared and travel with this luxury and comfort.
Recently on a 3 night trip I noticed it took me three trips to reload my belongings into the vehicle. I have seriously over packed in this regard.
I had such a redundancy of items that it would have earned me an award for being a suitcase hoarder. An upscale bag lady.
Who needs 6 bottles of lotion for a two day trip?
Forget the idea of having extra socks. I need to look at what I had been avoiding to unpack that I thought was essential.
Perhaps it is because I forgot and need to learn the lesson again.
I failed to look in the bag and just kept adding bottles, not because I needed it but probably to placate a past learned response.
It could be a disaster if one has dry skin for two or three days.
I am planning a new trip. This one will require a bit more attention to packing than recent trips.
The first step I need to take is unpacking the baggage I already have packed.
I want to be able to absorb new and wonderful things.
I want to be able to experience fresh information and get new perspectives.
It would be a shame not to have enough room for this because I brought an over packed bag with me.
It may not be about achieving nothingness but lightening up the load certainly will be an advantage.
I can set aside that old favorite shirt to allow for a new one.
This is one of the things I love about traveling.
It brings about different perspectives and this is one way we expand into oneness.
Travel daily my friends
much love