by Nicky Hamid
Wed, March 23
Your Soft Landing Pad actioned through a Strong, Loving and Resolute WILL.
I AM what I “identify” with.
My energy flows where my attention goes.
I have free will which is total freedom to think whatever I like.
Thought precedes outcome always.
My choice in any given moment is to come from Heart and think what I want to think or not. Wherever my highest feeling navigates me.
Here lies total responsibility for the reality I experience.
I am experiencing exactly what I am choosing in this next feeling moment.
Want something else?
Feel the Love, the Joy, the Gratitude and Think something else.
It is your mind.
Who is stopping you?
I So Love You
PS And you can substitute “I” for “WE” because Nicky (and YOU) knows this unifying non separation.
Thu March 24
Here is a little more to amplification on the posting yesterday about identity and thought.
And your New identity centres around the Love That You Are.
Apart from that I venture to say that the only other help along the “journey” is simply a dropping of attachments to our all mental mind that precedes rather than follows Heartmind Knowing.
You need nothing else. No guru or ritualistic or rigorous method.
Just yourself and your patience, compassion for yourself, and willingness to watch yourself without judgment, allow what arises to be as it is, and gently, steadily retrain your mind to listen differently.
Making clear the choices you can make that drops the fear based thought, eg I am not good enough, if only “they” were not like they are, etc……..and consciously choose the love based thought.
Rather than think what can I get from this person, think what can I give to this person. Rather than fix on what another is not, seeing, experiencing, and knowing the highest of what this person is.
Catch yourself gossiping, complaining, criticizing, judging, and without regret, simply start substituting one thought for another.
One thought of the old conditioned program for a new thought arising from your love dimensional perceiving and knowing.
Choosing to embrace rather than shut out.
Choosing connection rather than separation.
TO STEP “THROUGH” YOUR HEART PORTAL into the Love and the Embrace that Knows no limit.
Shine On.
I So Love You