(Concluded from Part 3, yesterday.)
Finally we reach January and February 2023 and the Federation again returns to the subject.
On January 22, 2023, they reviewed events:
Federation of Light: There … has been/are /always will be … Fungus! Yet that which we have spoken of will be brought to the forefront when it is deemed the correct time for this particular scare tactic to be presented on a large scale, in order for it appearing to be necessary for everyone to remain indoors.
Please remember we also mentioned that this worldwide lockdown will bring about Phase Two and Fergus Fungus is merely another disguise.
Blossom: So funny really, when you first mentioned there would be Five Phases, I think we all thought that we would at least be halfway through Phase Four by now … not still in Phase One!
FoL: Yet, as we have also stated, it does not mean that once Phase Two is underway that they all will last as long as this initial undertaking! We feel quite confident in this matter.
B: Well, that’s good to know. So, nothing to say about it then?
FoL: Very little. It shall speak for itself when the time comes.
B: And no point in asking when that will be.
FoL: Correct Blossom. Yet, it is coming. (1)
David Attenborough’s look at Cordyceps, a fungal predator of ants, is cited with approval by fungus writers.
And the most recent mention, a few days ago, on Feb. 12, 2023; Blossom asks if “so many now, having experienced this over the last few years, simply will not comply?”
Federation of Light: There is indeed this possibility … and those that choose not to will be doing so because they ‘KNOW.’3 Yet, this does not mean to say that to be ‘shut in/shut down’ is not necessary … for THIS particular ‘excuse’ is for the Greater Good of all.
THIS particular fear tactic has an underlying attachment which again, as we say, is necessary for all to remain indoors for their safety and yet, this safety via confinement has nothing to do with a fungus. As we say, this is merely a camouflage. (2)
Here’s another Youtube video on Cordyceps fungus attacking ants:
“While the Cordyceps fungus may never bring about the zombie apocalyse in humans, our actions and behaviors may be influenced by a parasitic force that definitely does not have our best interests at heart.”
They then give a rather gloomy forecast of a period of pain for us all that we have to go through to get to the other side. They compare it to childbirth:
Federation of Light: When it happens, Blossom, and we say ‘when’ not ‘if’ … you will all feel such relief, even though the nature of it is not Sunshine and Rainbows. In fact, far from it. Yet, dearest Blossom, dearest Souls of Truth and Light … we have spoken many times, that although the ultimate goal … your mission … is to bring the Blessed Gaia and indeed, your Blessed Beings, into that world of Sunshine and Rainbows, there is much that is NOT of that Energetic Vibration that has to be cleared and removed in order to walk into it.
It will be exceedingly unpleasant.
Blossom: I felt as if I stopped you from saying ‘painful’.
FoL: You did. Yet, we know your reasoning was not to create fear.
B: And gloom and doom …
FoL: Indeed. Yet, we also wish to prepare your Being for what is to come, so that your strengths can carry you … in the knowing that the ‘rough passage’ has to occur before the waters calm and a Peace covers your Planet.
It shall be the bumpiest roller coaster one could possibly imagine. Of this, there is no doubt. Yet …
And even though we cannot tell you exactly what this shall entail … as you are riding the storm … you will KNOW that ‘this is meant to be’ and this will assist you greatly in the KNOWING of that which is on the other side … once ‘that part’ of The Plan has been acted out.
B: Why is it we can’t be informed in more detail of what is to come?… And I already know what you are going to say!
FoL: Shall we do the honours, or you?
B: You.
FoL: Have you yourself not said, Blossom … if women knew the actual pain of childbirth, there would be far less Souls on the Planet.
B: Yep.
FoL: Yet, the pain stops instantaneously when the baby is born and there is instant Joy of the Highest Vibration … and each intense contraction becomes a gift in the memory … as the result of one’s ‘labours. ‘(3)
So there we have it. Stay tuned for … Fergus the Fungus, our next bioweapon provided us by the Department of Defence, DARPA, and a host of confederates. The bumpiest roller coaster ride we’ll ever be on.
When it does come, remember: Sunshine and rainbows awaits us on the other side. We’ll get through this and we’ll get though it together.
(1) “The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild, Jan. 22, 2023,” at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2023/01/21/the-federation-of-light-through-blossom-goodchild-jan-22-2023/. [Heresafter FoL.]
(2) “FoL, 12 Feb. 2023,” at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2023/02/11/the-federation-of-light-via-blossom-goodchild-12-feb-2023/.
(3) Loc. cit.