We’re all of us seeing core issues rise to the surface. They’re being “forced up” in the face of the tsunami of love which the Mother is sending to Gaia/Earth through her various channels.
So many are coming at once that, on occasion, we can see a pattern, an overall trend.
It’s my job to go through my cleansing process publicly, to assist others with theirs.
After decades of dealing with my anger, I’m beginning to see its roots. And I don’t think its roots have anything to do with my Dad or anyone else in this lifetime.
Dad was just the ripcord which triggered this buried issue. The issue needed to be cleared and Dad volunteered to fan the flames.
We agree that the truth will set us free, right? So when I hit upon the truth of this situation, I should feel release, right? If it isn’t the truth, I might feel nothing or a slight frown.
When I link my anger up with my past life as a military commander, I feel relief and release, as if I’ve just hit upon the truth. Yes! That!
The only salient feature I want to mention, because it’s the one that seems to weigh on me the most, is his greatest victory in which his forces surrounded and killed tens of thousands of the adversary.
In that lifetime I was raised to bitterly hate them. Here again, when I say that, I feel as if I’m going to swoon. My head gets light and I feel dizzy. Another indication that it’s the truth.
I work my way along watching for these indications of the truth having been spoken.
But that’s all I want to say about this subject until we’re beyond the CIA tactic of ridicule. After the Ring of Fire (or maybe the emergency broadcasts), all the dark behavior, I hope, will be gone and we can speak more freely and at greater length.
This nexus of hate and anger is up for me to experience through to completion. (1) It’s what’s next. Why do I do it? How do I self-generate? The context I use to keep moving forward is to “push my edge.”
I’m pushing my edge in growth and Ascension work to process my anger, the processing of which is what’s next for me in my overall purification process.
Purifying is what I contribute to the Ascension process; the rest is in the hands of the Mother and our angels.
By purifying myself of my anger and hatred, I’m restoring myself to my original innocence and purity. (In the 1400s, I could be burned at the stake for saying “original innocence.”) (2)
I feel the anger now in my belly, at the level of my solar plexus chakra. I experience myself crying out and falling through space.
I sense that the experience I’m having, as we speak, is related to whatever energy it was that merged with me on June 6, 2021. (3)
All traces of dissociation feel gone. But of course I seem to keep getting that at deeper and deeper levels.
My inner feeling, inner landscape is radically different. I don’t even want to use words to describe it lest I detract from the experience.
I “feel” myself in a different way that’s hard to describe. My will is unshackled. (I get the signal Michael and I have agreed on.) Yes, my will is unshackled.
Some time ago, constant comment stopped. And now my will is freed up from whatever it was that held it back – ideas, false beliefs, false grids, vasanas, call them what you wish.
Michael once said that, after the Reval, I should relax and just allow the transition(s) to occur. (4) I feel the same way now: This is a time to just relax, stay out of my head, and allow whatever transition is taking place to occur.
(1) See “How to Handle Unwanted Feelings: The Upset Clearing Process,” December 29, 2018, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2018/12/29/how-to-handle-unwanted-feelings-the-upset-clearing-process-2/
(2) “Man” was born in original sin, not original innocence. To say otherwise would have been considered heresy and could result in one being burned at the stake.
Cf. “Original Innocence,” Sept. 21, 2018, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2018/09/21/original-innocence-2/
(3) See “Mapping a Possible Soul Merge,” August 12, 2021
, at
(4) Archangel Michael: There needs to be celebration and there needs to be acknowledgement of not just a gift but a dream come true. … The reason why we say take a week off is to simply allow the new reality to seep in and for you to have moments of Glee and panic and discovery and conversation. (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Feb. 20, 2018.) [Hereafter AAM.]
This is a massive change and it is not about being hasty. It is about being plan-full and mindful and prudent. (AAM, June 6, 2018.)
Do not go on a buying spree. That has never and will never be our guidance. (“Archangel Michael: A Global Reset of Values – Part 2/2,” September 18, 2013, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/09/18/archangel-michael-a-global-reset-of-values-part-22/.)
Archangel Michael: Do not be precipitous. Stand still. Now that may sound like very amateurish advice. It is one of the most difficult things for human beings to do.
Go to the stillness. Do not feel the immediate necessity, which is an invention of your imagination and ego, to jump into action.
Give yourself the opportunity to breathe, to allow this shift in reality, in what you have described as your personal landscape, to sink in.
Yes, there is an entire world waiting to be rebuilt and it is not achieved if you jump the gun. It is not achieved if you are going full steam ahead and then collapse because of stress. (“Archangel Michael: You are Not Crazy,” June 6, 2015, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2015/06/06/archangel-michael-you-are-not-crazy/.)