I just feel sad when I read passages like this:
“This [select House committee on China] cannot be used to promote policies that result in the racial profiling of Asian Americans.”
No need to identify the speaker.
I thought how futile it would be to try to stop the cabal from racial profiling.
I heard myself saying: Racial profiling and opposition to racial profiling is a primary means of dividing and conquering a nation. They’re the name of the game these days.
The sheer magnitude of the missed opportunity we are part of and are witnessing sank into me at that moment.
I don’t think the cabal will simply retire one of its best tools for mayhem.
When will people wake up to how we’re being jiggered. We’re fish on a line called “divide and conquer.”
The creation of a crowd or mass – which we’re now calling “mass formation,” but which used to be called incitement to rebellion and demagoguery – used to rely on whipping up a frenzy.
But it’s become much more fashionable to set one whole side of society against another these days, as witness the vaxx and anti-vaxx split. The cabal set one side against the other and we’ve all heard the nasty messages and seen the urban chaos. Perfect storm.
Why would they not extend it to ethnic groups, religious groups, gender groups?
OK. This is my own personal EBS.
Time to recognize that we’re being played on many, many fronts – at once – with a compliant and complicit media. Time to remove from power all of those who are out to destroy us.
With the malintended players removed, time to sit down and have our own “select committee,” hear the truth, and make whatever amends are called for.
Not time to sweep it under the rug. This time the carousel must end. (1)
Not time to replay a bloody revolution either. We’re not the 18th Century and we aren’t a mindless and vengeful mob.
We all have families and children to care for and hospitals, schools, airports, etc., that need to function.
We’re not hunters, warriors, and gatherers any more. We get our food from stores, most of us, not from fields.
It’s an article of faith with me that what we want is what’s coming down the pike – lives lived in peace, allowing us freedom from all concerns, to pursue the longings of our hearts. (2)
Until then, I believe we have to steer a middle course, avoiding violence on the one hand and avoiding playing ostrich to all that’s happening on the other. (3)
And that just happens to point to coming from the balance point, the center, the heart. Neither extremes on the left or right, but the middle way of moderation.
(1) Jesus: You live in tumultuous times and you live in a time of fulfilment. … You are leaving compassion and latitude for correction and understanding.
You are bringing to light what needs to be revealed so it doesn’t destroy the fiber of your society. … When you see the shadow, it defines the light. (Jesus through Linda Dillon, Heart Call, Sept. 19, 2020.)
Archangel Michael: Where our forte is is, yes, exposure so that it doesn’t re-entrench itself because this is rather entrenched behaviour on all kinds of levels.
So you start to bring forward the justice, the truth solutions and it is not merely (and I say that very cautiously) forgiveness but it is the application, yes, of compassion, patience, determination, vigilance… So that this does not occur and reoccur and re-entrench.
So you are speaking in neutral ways about the events that are uncovered, pointing to the deeper systemic, ancient situations that have contributed to this.
And then, you are pointing the way to the new because you cannot create a Nova Society where there is not an understanding, an agreement about what is acceptable in the most basic, human-rights ways. (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Jan. 18, 2020.)
(2) I.e., an ascended lifestyle. See for instance “Earthly Necessities not Needed,”
(3) Ostriches are popularly portrayed as having their heads in the sand.