Reader Bethel Barr has completed her first book – an autobiography – and is working on her second.
The first segment of her first book sets out how she became a writer and spiritual teacher. Later in the book she explains and shares the extensive information she has learned while travelling that journey.
As a snowbird, Bethel spends her winters in Arizona and the summers in Alberta, teaching classes in both areas along with assisting others through spiritual counselling.
Contact can be made via email: [email protected]
And through her website where you will find more information regarding her book.
I’d like to add here that, in my view, a demonstrated willingness to write about our experiences and learning persuades our angels to give us more. I can’t wait to read Bethel’s second instalment.
Early Life
My life learning began early. …
One day while outdoors playing in the woods, I saw something flitting from tree to tree. It presented itself as a dense shadow, dark gray, adult-sized, but indistinct. I watched it curiously, wondering what it was that I was seeing. …
Many years later, I learned that dense shadow was my very own guardian angel, and the experience of the moment was planned preincarnate. I also learned that Spirit has countless ways to get our attention and communicate with us. …
As soon as my three sons were adults and on their own, the paranormal experiences became more frequent, and I realized that the journey of a dedicated and conscious Starseed can be, and often is, a very lonely and confusing time, and so it was for me. I desperately wanted to meet with and talk to other people like myself, people I could relate to who would understand what was happening to me and why. …
Bethel Meets Her Guardian Angel
During one of those visits, … the psychic told me that she knew of a powerful medium who had been channeling the archangels and angels for twenty-five years. One more door was opening for me, and this time, it was a huge door!
This lovely lady gave me the contact information for the channeler of angels, angels, I made the contact, and my life changed. As long as I live, I will never forget the first words that came from Spirit through that very gifted Channel of Light:
“Greetings. My name is Lucinda, and I am your guardian angel.”
My guardian angel, through that beautiful channel, told me she was communicating with me through the streetlights blinking on and off, and she explained the difference between guardian angels and spirit guides. Spirit guides come and go throughout the life stream, but the guardian angel never, ever leaves; he or she is the one constant in the life of an incarnated soul.
It was a lot of information to take in, and my feeling were of indescribable joy and elation.
(To be concluded tomorrow in Part 2.)
Bethel’s book is available in this format from:
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Nook Audio Books
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