When we fight a war – and there’s no doubt in my mind that we’re fighting a hidden war now – the truth becomes politicized. On both sides.
A war is polarity writ large.
And yet this hidden war that’s going on, with deep underground military bunkers being taken out and tribunals being staged worldwide, is actually one of good against evil.
Torturing children to make adrenochrome is evil. Trafficking young women is evil. Trafficking fentanyl, using depleted-uranium weapons, (1) causing hurricanes are all evil. Humanity itself is under assault.
The world’s armed forces have united to unseat the deep state. They’re actually fighting for truth, love, and peace, as worn as those phrases sound, and the other side would sooner destroy the planet than lose.
Michael has called this entrenched evil that has to be removed.
AAM: Where our forte is is, yes, exposure so that it doesn’t re-entrench itself because this is rather entrenched behaviour on all kinds of levels.
So you start to bring forward the justice, the truth solutions … so that this does not occur and reoccur and re-entrench.
So you are speaking in neutral ways about the events that are uncovered, pointing to the deeper systemic, ancient situations that have contributed to this.
And then, you are pointing the way to the new because you cannot create a Nova Society where there is not an understanding, an agreement about what is acceptable in the most basic, human-rights ways. (2)
Some parts of this are challenging, for sure. I haven’t studied (in this case) pedophilia so I can’t point to the “deeper, systemic, ancient situations that have contributed to this.” I have to substitute for that the discussion of my own reaction to what I read and hear.
When Michael addresses what needs to be done, he doesn’t indict and condemn people; he condemns behavior:
The practice is horrendous; it is anathema. The attitude, the behavior, this clinical, destructive, separative state of being of one who is a pedophile has to be removed as a starting point for building Nova Earth. (3) [My emphasis]
He doesn’t say hang them. It’s the behavior that can’t go on into the New Age.
And it won’t. Nothing harmful can go with us into the Fifth Dimension.
Why do I say that? Because my time spent in the Tsunami of Love (5-7D) saw any negative or destructive thoughts I had flee me immediately at the touch of that transforming love. Linda Dillon calls it the spiritual car wash and that’s an apt expression.
We emerge clean. So pedophilia as a behavior pattern will not survive immersion in the river of love. But then someone harming children would be very unlikely to find themselves in the tsunami of love.
But, in my view, it’s before then – the time between now and Ascension – that matters.
Will we tolerate pedophilia? The rape and torture of children? Adrenochrome production? Organ harvesting? Cannibalism? (Yes, that too.)
No. But the answer isn’t to form mobs and throw the b@st@rds in jail! Or better still lynch them from the lampposts, like George Bush said we’d do when we learned the truth.
The answer is clear to me. It’s to send that same transformative love, that same love that melts away negativity, to all in the world who’ve lost their way.
Barring that, we have to stop them from massive destruction. Either they won’t surrender or they’ll try to take the world down with them. In none of that will they succeed.
It isn’t in the Mother’s Plan that the dark succeeds. And the Mother assures us: “If it is not [in] my Plan, then it will not occur.” (4)
Jesus summarizes the situation and its future outlook:
Small groups of inordinately wealthy, influential, and powerful people have been in control of global economics and politics for far too long, and their reign is coming to an abrupt end.
Much of the strife that is presently ongoing across the planet is as a result of their last-ditch attempts to maintain their positions of power by causing conflicts and intense suffering in as many places as possible to create fear on a vast scale. They then hope to militarize even more of the world so that they can lock it down and continue to control you. They will not succeed!
Here in the spiritual realms we are well aware of the frustration you are experiencing as you wait expectantly for the promised changes that will establish peace on Earth, and food, shelter, and security for all on the planet. Humanity has set the collective intent for these changes to occur, and therefore they will.
Truly the power of your collective intent is immense. You have chosen collectively to awaken, and so you will. You are already in the process of doing so, and there is not the slightest possibility of you changing your minds or reversing your awakening process. What you have collectively chosen to achieve is unstoppable. (5)
The collective intent to free humanity from centuries of servitude, combined with the rising love energies, has unstoppable momentum. At best, the cabal can only slow the advance towards world unity and peace, but it cannot stop it.
(1) See Steve Beckow, “Depleted Uranium: Why We Must Not Go to War with Iran,” Sept. 3, 2007, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/accountability/depleted-uranium-weapons/du-why-we-must-not-go-to-war-with-iran/
“This Planet Would Have Died Without the Galactics,” September 5, 2018, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2018/09/05/this-planet-would-have-died-without-the-galactics/
(2) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Jan. 18, 2020.
(3) “Archangel Michael on the Need to Stop Pedophilia,” August 20, 2018, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2018/08/20/archangel-michael-on-the-need-to-stop-pedophilia/.
(4) The Divine Mother in “Enter the Delegations – Part 2/3,” May 5, 2019, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2019/05/05/enter-the-delegations-part-2-3/. Reading, April 30, 2019.
(5) Jesus through John Smallman, May 23, 2016.