My friend Brian shared this nugget with me:
“When Benjamin Franklin was in France eliciting support for the war of Independence, he wrote in a letter to the American Congress:
“‘It is a common observation here that our cause is the cause of all mankind, and that we are fighting for their liberty in defending our own.'”
As Brian observed, little seems to have changed.
Someone else said that we can’t just win freedom once; we have to defend it again and again and again, from all its enemies.
That’s not quite true. Before Ascension, we may have to defend freedom again and again. But Ascension is liberation from all that.
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There’s no need to defend one’s freedom on the higher planes. All is peaceful. The love in the very air completely satisfies them. There’s nothing to acquire, no extra pleasure to experience. We are “there.”
That being the case, let me amend the well-known saying, “Defending freedom to the death.” For this generation of angels, that now reads: “Defending freedom until liberation.”
We’re concerned about the time between now and Ascension.
And it all depends upon what one means by “fighting.” Some of us have it in our soul contracts to clean out the underground bunkers, shut down the pedophile and pandemic operations, and arrest the deep-state players.
Most lightworkers don’t. Both are in the service of the Mother and both have their user manuals.
What are we lightworkers and light warriors fighting for? In my opinion, we’re fighting for our right to live in a world characterized by the divine qualities.
They include love and all its many flavors (peace, joy, bliss, ecstasy, abundance, mastery, etc.). The Mother confirms their central role in building Nova Earth:
Divine Mother: What is the new foundation upon which Nova Earth is built?
It is the 13 Blessings and Virtues [i.e., the divine qualities] that we gifted you so long ago. This is the core of everything you will value and bring forth in the new reality. This is the foundation of what you create and co-create with us.
If the virtues are not an inherent part of your being, how do you then translate it into form as you build the new institutions, systems, communities, and cultures of Nova Earth?” (1)
We want respect for rights that go beyond what we conceive of as rights at this moment. Freedom of religion does not go far enough. We want freedom to grow, expand, and evolve.
Freedom of belief – again not far enough. We want freedom to experience and realize, each according to their own guiding light.
Equality of opportunity – we want an environment that not only offers equality of opportunity but actively supports each person to realize their full potential, as the Mother intended.
There’s no need for poverty. There’s no reason for a lack of clean water. Food is plentiful; distribution is the problem. All of these circumstances are solvable.
(Concluded in Part 2.)
(1) Linda Dillon, “Chapter 3 – The 13th Octave Blessings & Virtues” in The Great Awakening. A Spiritual Primer. Port Lucie, FL: Linda Dillon, 2012.