Sellin: Government-Weaponized Public Health: Disease Is Used to Control Populations Like Tear Gas Is Used to Control Crowds
Joe Hoft, The Gateway Pundit, December 31, 2022
Government-weaponized public health: Disease used to control populations is like tear gas is used to control crowds.
Guest post by Lawrence Sellin
U.S. government officials and scientists assisted China to create the COVID-19 virus in a laboratory causing a global pandemic and then tried to cover up their involvement.
Government officials nationwide used the pandemic to assume dictatorial powers, impose lockdowns, deny individual rights guaranteed under the Constitution, and rig elections.
In complicity with the pharmaceutical industry, U.S. public health institutions lied about the safety and efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines and, either directly or indirectly, enforced unethical and dangerous vaccination mandates, while suppressing the use of early intervention therapeutics.
All of the above caused over a million unnecessary American deaths. And we are still counting.
Yet, so far, no one has been held accountable because the Globalist Uniparty that controls the U.S. government, like the Chinese Communist Party, considers all of the above part of a successful operation in controlling the American population and maintaining its iron grip on power.
Modern genetic engineering techniques make it easy to create new disease-causing viruses and restricting the availability of medications to treat those diseases can extend the duration, expand the geographical effect and increase the lethality of an epidemic.
From sources inside China, Dr. Li-Meng Yan has been reporting more severe symptoms, increased transmission and unprecedented death rates for a new COVID-19 Omicron variant, while the Chinese Communist Party imposes lockdowns and restricts the availability of drugs, even those for simple fever reduction.
Antibody evasion, which has made the COVID-19 vaccines ineffective against Omicron variants, would not necessarily explain an increase in the severity of symptoms or an extraordinary increase in the death rate without other contributing factors, especially those originating from government policy.
We also must not overlook the possibility that government policy led to laboratory-created Omicron variants.
The current Omicron variant situation in China described by Dr. Yan closely matches laboratory experiments conducted at Boston University’s controversial National Emerging Infectious Diseases Laboratories, which handles the world’s most deadly viruses and is located in the South End neighborhood of Boston, Massachusetts, reported on previously by The Gateway Pundit, here and here.
According to the Daily Mail, the Boston University scientists genetically-engineered the spike protein from the highly infectious, but mild Omicron variant onto the more lethal original Wuhan COVID-19 virus, creating an entirely new virus with an 80% death rate.
Could the Chinese Communist Party have authorized the creation of a similar COVID-19 variant now circulating in China that would appear to be Omicron in diagnostic tests, but be far more dangerous?
Possibly, and worth investigating.
In addition, similarly to what is happening in China, the Biden regime is doing nothing about a critical shortage of common U.S. medicines, which is becoming an emergency situation for many American families.
Are Americans about to become the victims of another public health crisis precipitated by the unholy alliance of the U.S. Globalist Uniparty, the World Economic Forum and the Chinese Communist Party?
Controlling populations with disease and the fear of it may be too potent a tool for the tyrants to pass up.
Lawrence Sellin, Ph.D. is retired U.S. Army Reserve colonel and a veteran of Afghanistan and Iraq. He had a civilian career in international business and medical research. Dr. Sellin is the author of Restoring the Republic: Arguments for a Second American Revolution. His email address is [email protected].