In our common journey back to God, we’re all of us at different places.
For some, the intellectual level satisfies. “I’m right and you’re wrong.”
For others, the experiential level beckons and satisfies. They feel into life. Of course they’re not busy amassing arguments to prove themselves right and others wrong so they’re vulnerable to attack from the unscrupulous and we have our share of unscrupulousness today as the darkness explodes and fades away.
Even more vulnerable are the realizational people who turn their backs on the arguments of the world and seek the answer to the only question we’re required to answer, in one lifetime or another: Who am I?
For me, only realization will satisfy and only the realized are the ones whose teachings I prefer to study.
After the vision in 1987, (1) I spent ten years reading nothing but the works of enlightened authors. I visited and studied with gurus, including one who said of himself that he was a full and complete Incarnation of God. He unfortunately turned out to be a pedophile. Similar disappointments followed.
Discouraged at last, I left the ashram scene as I had the university scene earlier. From now on I was to be my own guru.
Fast forward to recent times. Meeting an archangel and then the Divine Mother through interviews and personal readings has of course changed my direction entirely. This direction fits the bill completely.
As if to complete with the past, I asked the Mother whether God recognizes the service of a sincere devotee to a fallen guru. And the Divine Mother said yes. (2)
With that assurance from one representing herself to be the Divine Mother – whom I sincerely believe to be her – I felt completely released from the past and ready to begin anew.
Let me use my time here to address a question: Why would a lightworker choose to be a seeker? Isn’t that for loveholders?
To answer that, I have to point at the impact that the longing for liberation has on us. I’ve written elsewhere about that longing. (3) It’s subsensible and built in, like a homing device that takes us back to the One. (4)
No other agenda can overrule it. Seeking is not my overwhelming priority this lifetime but I’m still constantly drawn to seek. It remains my default because, I believe, of the impact of the longing for liberation.
We may have to throw many of our current assumptions overboard. One assumption is that seeking is the problem. I know what is meant: One busies the thing one is seeking. The seeker is the thing sought. I get that. And it’s true and valid.
But that having been said, by the creation formula, (5) by seeking, one is asking to find God. That’s a statement of intention. The creation formula stipulates that we follow that statement of intention with action consistent with the intention.
At least in the beginning, I suggest that seeking is a consistent action. Seek and ye shall find. There is a time to lay down seeking but, as far as I’m aware, it’s a ways down the road from here.
Meanwhile, seeking is an action consistent with our intention (and perhaps the one action that avoids negative karma). (6) I cannot see God refusing one so eager to merge with Her/Him. That’s what we’re here to do, Rumi tells us. (7)
I wish to remain at the realizational level of life, courting realization rather than experience or knowledge. When not courting it, I prefer to spend my time in the experiential mood. From there I may catch a wisp of love or bliss and go with it.
I’m open to divine intrusion. I’m open to immersion in the divine states.
Nothing else matters to me in the way of what I want for myself. Nothing material attracts me. Sex doesn’t. Power? I’m not the least inclined to it. Love and bliss do and always will. In the end, they alone matter to me.
(1) See “The Purpose of Life is Enlightenment – Ch. 13 – Epilogue,” August 13, 2011, at
(2) I post this so to give you a glimpse of the Company of Heaven operating with one of their servants:
Steve Beckow: I’m operating on the principle – and please correct me if I’m mistaken here – that I serve Archangel Michael, period.
If I were to go to another medium and she was not channeling Archangel Michael and I were to do what was being said, and it turns out to be a colossal error, I’m still serving Archangel Michael.
Am I correct in continuing to say to myself, “The source is not what they say they are but it doesn’t matter. I’m still serving Archangel Michael.”
Divine Mother: You have reached this place of clarity. Now, dearest heart, this is exactly what I am talking about in terms of your divine knowing. And nothing is swaying you from that balanced center of knowing.
So it does not matter whether somebody says they are channeling Hilarion or Mickey Mouse. You know that you are serving my beloved Michael and I would like to suggest to you, Sweet One, not to distract you, but you are also serving me.
Steve: I so much know that, Mother.
DM: You always have. And so, yes, how we have constructed this is that you are employed, you are in joint venture, you are in sacred partnership with Michael, with Me-Ki-Al, and that is the way that you have chosen and that he has chosen and that I have chosen for you to proceed.
Steve: Yes, Mother. Thank you for confirming that.
DM: Let us give you further insight into this. If you were channeling with somebody and they said it was Hilarion, and in fact it was Hilarion, understand on our side the conjoining is so much stronger [with Michael] that Michael would simply funnel through Hilarion what needs to be said.
Steve: Interesting! (“Divine Mother: Does God Recognize Service to a Fallen Teacher?” .)
(3) See “Ch. 7. The Longing for Liberation” in The Purpose of Life is Enlightenment at
Also “The Longing for Liberation,” August 20, 2010, at
(4) Linda Dillon: The Creation Formula is a gift from the Council of Love directly to each of us – not only to our hearts but to our conscious selves in the here and now. The purpose of the Creation Formula, just like the Universal Laws, is to help us understand, in workable practical terms, how to create. In the next chapters we will discuss in detail the creation triangle elements of the 13 Blessings and Virtues and Universal Laws, but as a starting point let us look and delve into the Creation Formula. Here it is:
Intent + Stillpoint + Action = Creation. (Linda Dillon in The New You: Emerging into the Brilliance of Humanity’s heart Consciousness. Port St. Lucie: Linda Dillon, 2013, 162.)
I treat the releasing of the intention, after stillpoint, as a stage unto itself.
(5) Stillpoint and release.
(6) “I am all that a man may desire
Without transgressing
The law of his nature.”
(Sri Krishna in Swami Prabhavananda and Christopher Isherwood, trans., Bhagavad-Gita. The Song of God. New York and Scarborough: New American Library, 1972; c1944, 71.)
(7) “There is one thing in this world which must never be forgotten. If you were to forget everything else, but did not forget that, then there would be no cause for worry; whereas if you performed and remembered and did not forget every single thing, but forgot that one thing, then you would have done nothing whatsoever. It is just as if a king had sent you to the country to carry out a specified task. You go and perform a hundred other tasks; but if you have not performed that particular task on account of which you had gone to the country, it is as if you have performed nothing at all. So man has come into this world for a particular task, [enlightenment] and that is his purpose; if he does not perform it, then he will have done nothing.” (Rumi in A.J. Arberry, trans., Discourses of Rumi. New York; Samuel Weiser, 1977; c1961, 26.)