by Caroline Oceana Ryan
This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elements, Fae Elders, Angelic legions, Archangels, and other Divine Beings known as the Collective.
This week, we share the Message the Collective offered on the Ashtar Legacy Call of October 11, 2022:
Greetings, dear ones! We are very pleased to have this time to speak with you again today. And in this beautiful crisp autumn air that so many people in the world—parts of it, anyway!—are experiencing now, we speak of the kind of Light coming through in these last few months of this very empowering, if challenging, year. So that you might look out at the sky at night, and see this beautiful autumn moon, and rejoice at how crisp and clear it is. And there was much rain a week or so ago, we realize. And many have suffered badly as a result, from the rain and the winds, from this hurricane named Ian. Certainly, it had already affected Puerto Rico, and it affected some of the states in the United States, and other parts of the world as well.
So that one is getting two images, two experiences, at once. And one is, that there is just this tremendous flood of Light coming into the Earth, in addition to the flood of water. It’s easy to confuse what some people are experiencing now with what was experienced in the Great Flood, when the Earth was covered with water. One might think, “Are we being rinsed clean once again, even though it means that some have had to leave their bodies?” And many will have lost their homes, or their businesses, or their schools. All of this sounds very rough, and it can feel very rough, and it doesn’t seem to make a lot of sense.
This is what the 1960s and early ‘70s brought to the world! All of you now are seeing this, not just as a cultural trend, but as a global one. Once again, people are saying, “I want to know who I really am. My authentic self. Not who I was trained to be. I want to be that authentic self, even though it might cost me on some level, and whatever Light it is I came in to shine with, I want to shine!” And so this lovely song [by Joni Mitchell] is titled “Shine,” by the album of the same name, and it talks about various situations—and [her description of the state of the world] may sound, yes, a bit rough at times. It comes to several points, where the songwriter is talking about a clergy member who “threw away the vain old God / and kept Dickens and Rembrandt and Beethoven / and fresh plowed sod / Shine on good earth, good air, good water / and a safe place for kids to play . . . ” What is it about Dickens and Rembrandt and Beethoven, and the fresh plowed Earth, that is more legitimate in their minds than the old descriptions of deity? Of course, all of you will know that! You will know very automatically that the god that people are taught to worship in most religions is a false one.
And yet we say, all the more reason to shine your Light! If you are refusing to give way to responding or reacting to outer stimuli, if you are refusing to only react to what you see happening around you, then you are one of the few who fully understand what’s really happening. Because people will worship the media, for instance, as they once worshipped education and religion, and certain forms of social contracts, such as marriage, and felt that once inside of those institutions, they could never turn their back on them. Now the media is the thing to which you are supposed to adhere, and follow, and worship at all costs. And the media is telling you, “Everything is falling to pieces. Don’t expect anything like Divine Justice anytime soon!” And so you may feel like that’s the only honest way to live—to keep your eye on what they say is happening.
And who are these pioneers, deciding that Peace of heart-mind is more important than what people say is happening out in the world? Of course, they’re all of you! And the songwriter says that these ones “traveled inward / past themselves.” Past that conscious self, trained by one institution or another in hundreds and hundreds of Earth lives to avoid authenticity, avoid the power of the Soul, avoid the true Self, avoid the truth of anything. You’re walking right past that falsely constructed ego-mind. And yes, you’re letting your Light shine—100 percent, you are! Do you have to be cheerful every day in order to get that done? No! You just have to show up! And each day, affirming, “I AM reflecting back to everyone around me, and to every situation in my life, the power of the Light pouring in now. And that is the only truth I need to adhere to!” From there, higher Love, higher reasoning, Divine Wisdom—it will all flow to you. You’ve all already begun receiving these! We only encourage you to continue.
And we give thanks, dear ones—absolutely honored to be a part of this beautiful Circle, this beautiful Community. And so as you listen to this lovely song “Shine” by this brilliant woman Joni Mitchell, who has survived so much in her life, and given so much, you will know, “Yes, that’s me! I AM also letting my Light shine.” Wonderful, dear ones! And so we send much Love, and many blessings. Namaste.