Janine Morigeau did a read on this fellow (SG Anon) yesterday, and recently, Dave Waterbury shared this brief, informative and very encouraging message from him, a truther that I’m not familiar with and who doesn’t even show up on the research board I follow. The system formerly known as the “EBS” has morphed into the EAS (“Emergency Alert System”).
Forgive me for not recalling exactly what the cards said about him yesterday. My daughter asked me what Janine said in her World News read, and I couldn’t recall. All I took in is that SG Anon is a good guy. That’s typical for me these days, but maybe that’s my computer brain bypassing any extraneous data to just focus on the core issue of a thing. I’m okay with that, I think.
I am, actually.
I barely feel as though I’m here most of the time, but this is where my conscious awareness is at the moment, and a message like this one brings me Joy to consider that we really and truly are at the end point of this lower dimensional experience.
He does say that Trump will be indicted, and we’ve seen that term so often lately that we know that it’s not the same as being arrested. I do still reject entirely the thought that Trump will be taken into custody. No way would he put his physical person in their hands for even a minute. Just No. I don’t even care for the optics of it being done for show.
Click on the image to give a listen…
“This will be the final update, friends. (God willing)”
I also watched a clip of Trump saying that he thinks The People have seen and experienced enough to accept what’s coming as necessary. To me, that feels like a green light to let the lightning bolts fly. I lost the clip, but the full interview is below.
“When we do what has to be done, people will accept it.”
Click on the image and go to 20:22 for that magic moment…