The Queen is dead in the public eye. Theories abound as to what her life was actually like, and the kinds of things that she was up to; even the moment that she drew her last breath is up for speculation. We may or may not ever be privy to the real truth of all of that, but this article isn’t about her so much as it is about what the announcement of her death has put into motion.
What’s been seeping out to the public in tiny droplets over the past five years or so will now be flooding out in an unmistakable and inescapable gush of entirely unpalatable information.
As you may know, I spend a good bit of my time digging for current news, and that literally never from mainstream sources. I recently started reading a post that I wish I hadn’t, and in typical fashion (as I’ve learned), it was titled, “Their stories need to be told.”
Sigh…they do. We have to know, at least in some regard, what’s been happening to Humanity as a whole, and especially to our children, and for a very long time. I’m not spilling the rotten beans here in any way more than to say that they don’t just torture and kill. They break minds over a lifetime by subjecting their captives to unspeakable things.
Megan Rose recently did a short video stating directly how big a deal it is that QE is officially gone.
London Bridge and the Victory for the Children
I don’t watch horror films or even enjoy much in the way of suspense or drama. Okay, I admit it…I’m a Rom-Com chick. Maybe it’s enough for people to think ‘scary flick on steroids,’ but for real. Come to think of it, when I was a kid, Lon Chaney as The Wolfman scared the bejeebers out of me. Couched in today’s Hollywood slasher movie terms, how simple were those days…
This is something I’ve contemplated a number of times: does every Human need to know the repulsive details of what’s been going on? Is that entirely necessary in order for it not to happen ever again? My feeling and my hope is that no, we don’t. There comes a point at which quite enough information gets through to individual conscious awareness, but for many, that point may be way far away.
For probably most people, even now, we hear the term, “child trafficking,” and the words belie the import of that practice…what’s been in place. What would we do with emerging information that unequivocally states that the British Royals (and many other “elites”) have been deeply involved in such things for ages; that and far, far worse?
Is that what will be revealed in the anticipated Emergency Broadcast System (“EBS”)? That and any number of truths that for all the world, we wish weren’t so…
It seems that the coming whirlwind will include a rapid-fire exposure of a great deal of (but certainly not all of) what’s been our secret reality in the United States and all around the world, and it’s pretty grim.
The exceedingly good and welcome news, though, is brought to us in part by one Ismael Perez, who I’ve been appreciating more with every passing day. What follows is a super quickie he posted yesterday speaking to the topic at hand.
The Standing Monarchs Representing the Draconian and Luciferian Control of the Planet are Gone
From the point of view of Anons on the research board I follow, the date chosen to announce Queen Elizabeth’s Earthly departure was more than coincidental, it was long planned by the White Hats. In fact, there are a number of fascinating intersections with the often repeated number 17.
- Queen Elizabeth’s death was announced 1,776 days after the first Q post.
- Prince Philip died on April 9, 2021, and his funeral was on Saturday, April 17th.
- There were 517 days between his death and the Queen’s (17 months apart).
- Elizabeth died on the 8th, Philip died on the 9th; 8+9=17.
- Will the tenth day of Liz’s funeral fall on the 17th?
Makes you wonder who’s directing this movie…but it seems clear that we’re reaching the dramatic crescendo and rapid conclusion to it now. Basically at this point, whatever shows up, it’s incumbent upon us as Lightworkers to just be the Light. Be all that which God desires us to be, and keep our thoughts and focus on the good, true and beautiful.
The rest is really window-dressing.