Dreamstate has been off the charts.
Dreamt of Water and Wind.
Water shows us any imbalances within our being that is rising to the surface.
Where are you not in alignment? The only way to figure out where we are not in alignment is to pay close attention to what we’re thinking, feeling, saying and doing–and to be really HONEST about it.
Your feelings are one of the best indications of whether or not you are operating in alignment.
This is not about being in control. It’s about recognizing what you are a vibrational match to.
Be in the flow with how ever you are feeling. Realize the polarities between the “high & low” vibrations and the outcome and effects they both create within and around you.
This is where you get to choose.
I know that sometimes it feels like you are “stuck” in a certain vibration but just know that this is old programming leaving your field.
Wind is how we transcend the ego.
The raw power of nature through change, movement, & direction. A gentle breeze or a gale force wind.
Think of the wind as your awareness. An invisible force available to divinely direct your human through any debris seen and unseen.
The winds of change are among us and the part you play in your own experiences will determine what you create in your life.
The wind is always changing direction. It’s up to you whether you resist or go with the flow.