Nicholas Veniamin is a good interviewer. I’ve been hunting for shows that Ismael’s done that might have information of interest and that we haven’t heard yet, and oddly enough, I keep finding them. This one is from June 29th. I took notes again, as people seem to appreciate speed reading instead of listening. Click the image to get to the video.
- Ismael has been very busy, and there’s a network that wants to do a series on his book, Our Cosmic Origin.
- The information that he’s bringing through is getting out to a great many people, and he’s adding a new chapter to his book. It will be a segue to his second book, ready in two years. The new chapter starts off with the invasive, aggressive AI that’s been around for billions of years.
- The second book discusses the future scenario after Ascension.
- Dolores Cannon is an instrument of Light. Her QHHT sessions access the memories of Starseeds, and her work lines up with his. Starseeds anchor higher frequencies, and they’ve already graduated (meaning ascended before coming here).
- First and second wavers are here to raise frequencies and pave the way for the third wavers, who are starting to remember their mission and get their memories back. The third wavers don’t have karma to work out. They’re just here to do a job.
- It’s been hard for the first and second wavers, but they laid the groundwork for the third wavers; the ground crew who are supposed to bring through this new Heaven on Earth.
- The Prime Directive that the Galactic Federation goes by says that they can’t intervene in an underdeveloped world…unless said world has already been infiltrated and moved in the wrong direction by dark entities.
- The Starseed Mission Program really kicks in with the Third Wavers, people in their 30’s, 40’s and 50’s. The Alliance is largely made up of Starseeds; Third Wavers. A lot of them are psychic and genetically enhanced. They’re already tapping into their galactic selves. Many have been recruited as super soldiers for off-world programs.
- Starseeds don’t care to have children in many cases because to leave a progeny behind with their linage, it would compel them into a reincarnation cycle here. We are an accumulation of all our ancestry and all our descendants. Why would we want to lock ourselves in here when we’ve already fused with Prime Creator/Source?
- When we incarnate here, it’s just a fraction of our soul. We do have a central overall soul called a Monad. The not wanting children, or not wanting to be generating karma by having them, applies to first and second wavers only.
- It’s different for third wavers, because this quantum leap in evolution that will transform the Human species into the next stage of evolution, which he calls Meta-Human or Homo-Galactus; when this transformation takes place, there will be no more getting locked into lower dimensions for Starseeds. They can safely have babies without invoking the karmic cycle.
- Jesus is the incarnation of the Universal Logos; the mind of the Cosmos coming into the flesh. We live in a conscious, living universe. Jesus and Archangel Michael are one and the same. Michael is his warrior form; King of the Heavenly Host, and Jesus is the incarnated Human form, the Omni King of this universe.
- We live in a multi-verse, and every universe within it has their own Jesus and their own Michael, each overseeing their local universe. The way that Christianity teaches this is distorted. We are all like Jesus in a sense, and this Earth is a training ground so we can be Omni-kings and Omni-queens of universes, too. As we ascend, we become Creator Gods ourselves.
- Jesus married Mary Magdelene, and he was a member of a secret organization called the Communitive Cornoran (I tried listening on slow speed several times, and that’s the best I could come up with in terms of spelling what he said). They initiated the Melchezidek Priesthood. Jesus was a high priest in the Melchezidek Order.
- Jesus and Mary were intended to have progeny, because that progeny gave us the Rh negative blood type people, who are the most advanced Humans in the multiverse. They were always a target of the dark brotherhood. According to prophecy, the descendants of Jesus and Mary Magdelene, who have a blood line association with the White Hats, would be overthrowing the dark empire in order to bring balance to the planet.
- The White Hats have always been around, all the way back to Atlantis. Babylon has always been the enemy of the Brotherhood of Light and their blood line, rivals to the elite families.
- Nicholas asked if we come from the future, and the answer was yes, because we come from the higher dimensions. Ismael explains a little bit about time, because in higher dimensions, there is no time.
- In terms of the cosmic war, just within the last few weeks, the AI stationed in Orion was taken out by the Cosmic Order of the Emerald; Christed beings who came from the Central Universe in order to clean house, and in order to give the White Hats the upper hand here on the planet.
- Now that the dark lord has been taken out and the entire galaxy has been secured, it’s just a matter of time for it to come into play in our world.
- The stargates underneath Australia have also been secured. A huge house cleansing is about to take place. The White Hats have completely check-mated the dark hats, who now have nowhere to go.
- In 2016, a 9th dimensional collective known as the Ra Collective intervened in order to put us in an emergency rescue bubble. That was to protect the stargates so that nothing could come in that would keep a healthy ascension from taking place. We don’t have anything to worry about, specifically with the CERN situation, which the White Hats are also in control of.
- What does a stargate look like? A natural one would be as depicted in Dr. Strange. In some cases, they’re built on a megalithic structures like Stonehenge that are centered on a vortex. They activate those by using advanced tachyon technology. That opens up the gate, and we go right through it…to any part of the galaxy and any part of the universe, once the coordinates are set.
- The stargates, after ascension, will be used for inter-planetary, inter-galactic and inter-universal travel.
- After the EBS and NESARA/GESARA kicking in, disclosure and making first contact with our space brethren, then all the advanced technology will be used for beneficial purposes.
- All the galaxies are coming together in our Solar System. They’re establishing what is known as an Intergalactic Super Federation of Galaxies Council. They’re preparing starseeds to be at the head of that council. After we ascend, the starseeds will be in charge of multiple galaxies, and the Earth will become the epicenter of the multiverse.
- Great things are in store for us, our mission actually is two-fold. It’s to bring in this new reality and also to become the leaders in the new heavens.
- The Trumps are descendants of Jesus and Mary Magdelene, and they’ve been time traveling since the 1960’s. That’s how they can know about probable realities and can work to secure the right one. They have the absolute best protection on the planet and are already using advanced stellar technology. They’re working closely with the commanders of the Galactic Federation of Free Worlds.
- The Trumps are very involved in the galactic community, but they’re not allowed to speak of it until disclosure takes place.
- Mr. T is coming back, and he never stopped being President. He’s running the show behind the scenes and is working with other White hats (Putin is mentioned). He’s also associated with the Pleiadians. Many believe that Melania is a Pleiadian commander, there to protect Donald. Even though she seems to be cold at times, it’s because she’s playing the part. She doesn’t care to be known as a Pleiadian in Human form, and she does retain her memories.
- Since 2016, Trump has become more and more informed about the greater picture.
- The EBS will happen no later than the fall, and it will be shocking. Humanity is at a crossroads, and if we didn’t have intervention at this point, we wouldn’t even make it to 2030, the way things are going.
- They’ve been abducting over 100,000 children a year since the 1950’s to be part of this underground experimentation. It’s taken many years to clear that up. Millions of children have been saved and rehabilitated, many have died. The White hats and Alliance were able to sever the connection between the stargate under Australia that was allowing the negatives to harvest loosh, and the one inside Mars (run by the Draco).
- Now we just wait for the big reveal.
Nicholas asks what will it look like after the Ascension. Ismael answers…
- It’s going to be like day and night. The world will be restored to its natural habitat, the atmosphere is going to be cleansed, the oceans and the ecosystems will be purified. There will be no pollution. Cities will be made from a healthier material that’s better for the environment.
- The 5D earth is already co-existing with this one, and it has a whole different reality structure.
- When the transformation takes place and we reach the 4th and 5th dimensions, we’ll just be translated (his word) from one reality to the next. So it’s already there for us, we’re just going to realize that we’re in a better world that’s more suitable for all living things.
- Electric cars and gasoline powered ones won’t be part of the new earth because everything will run on free energy. Everybody will have a hovercar. People will be stoked about the technologies that are about to be revealed to the planet.
- This will come to fruition no later than 2024, when the Earth will be part of the 4th and 5th dimensions and will be reinstated into the galactic community. We’ll be interacting with many races from all over the galaxy. Ships will be everywhere.
- Pleiadians have a 3 month gestation period, and development after birth is also faster than it is for us. Birthing pains in 5D are not a thing. Sexuality exists all the way up to 6D at least. After the 6th, bodies are all crystalline. After the 9th, they’re hydro-plasma, and after 12th, we’re pure Light energy, everywhere at once…one with God.
- That’s where we’re all going, but Starseeds will rise up faster because they’ve already been there in higher dimensions. Terran newbie souls will go by increments.
- Earth is being prepared for ‘first contact’ with galactic civilizations, the restoration of the Republic, and the new system; the New Commonwealth of Nations. The forces of Light have already secured a positive timeline.