by Dr. Schavi M. Ali, August 11, 2022,
The Super Full Moon in Tropical/Western Aquarius and Sidereal/Vedic Capricorn arrives on Thursday, August 11th, at 9:36 PM (EDT).
As has been previously mentioned, A Super Full Moon is when our lunar orb is closer to our planet, and about 15 percent brighter than a usual monthly Full Moon.
Because the Moon represents emotions, a Super Moon enhances whatever is felt.
Thus, feelings are much more intense on all levels.
Global events will be much more pronounced, such as political chaos, social upheaval, medical dysfunction, economic challenges, indoctrinated religious confusion, warfare and more.
In terms of geophysics, there are likely to be large earthquakes due to gravitational pulls being made by the Moon upon our planet, huge solar energetics (flares, winds, dense plasma particles surrounding and pressing into our planet’s magnetosphere, etc.), and up-leveled neutron counts and “KP Index.”
The Power (Schumann Resonance) will likely blast high-powered vibrational frequencies as Earth/Gaia is stirred, pulled, stretched and further elevated in Light.
Mankind’s technological devices may not register the intensity.
It further goes perhaps without reminding, that creation upon Earth/Gaia will also be stirred, pulled, and stretched physically, mentally, and emotionally.
Therefore, Light Activation Experiences (“LAEs”) will be tremendous for many. Some people are beginning to handle LAEs more easily as greater Light is given to them without their resisting it.
Thus, they are working with Source more avidly and not against it ~ even though they, too, are having some LAEs, because everyone is moving through a powerful transformational process. Some days the labor is more intense than on other days.
Aquarius lunar energy is square to Mars, Uranus, and the North Node in Taurus, and the above are examples of its messages and where cleansing and clearing need to happen.
Sidereal Capricorn also creates a square with Mars, Uranus, and the North Node in Aries. Both astrological systems have much to tell.
Nothing will be the same again. For those who are waiting until conditions on our planet become “normal,” they are waiting in vain.
However, because Aquarius and Taurus are fixed signs from the Tropical perspective, there will be people on both sides of the global issues that will insist that events work out exactly the way that they want them to. They will feverishly work towards that result, just like in the game where two teams are on either side of a muddy pond pulling hard on a rope; those with the strongest pull on the rope cause the others to fall into the muddy waters.
However, whichever side thinks that it has won will still be surprised, because Uranus is full of unexpected occurrences that change everything.
Saturn in Tropical/Western Aquarius and Sidereal/Vedic Capricorn will insist on hard work, and will give major lessons to humanity which will then assist the unexpected surprises of Uranus. The portal of the Super Moon overlapped with the portal of the Lion’s Gate, causing even greater intensity with the Sun in royal Leo, and focusing on world leaders and their agendas and confusion which, of course, affect the world population in various ways.
If anyone has not already done so, they need to review all ways in which they ground themselves emotionally, because emotions, which are magnetic frequencies, affect the mental, electrical frequencies, and the physical vessel out-pictures as discomforts.
There are already discomforting LAE occurrences as we move through the re-birthing process.
Why add to this Divine Order by becoming involved in “3d” chaos?
We are several hours away from the “Super Full Moon.”
Use the time to gather your “Wellness Tools.”
They will be needed throughout the year and beyond.
Make sure that they are spiritual and natural.
They will be blessings.