by Digger Barr
The plane was flying low. Not low enough to be landing but low enough to be out of place. The place was a pristine North Idaho lake. No aircraft of that size should be flying that low over the water. There were fishing boats out there.
I heard it before I saw it.
Hearing the roar of a large engine I turned from my raking of pineneedles and looked out at the water. A large gray military type plane thundered through about 30 feet above the water’s surface. I was standing on a slight incline maybe 15 feet above the water and the plane was only four, maybe 5 dock lengths out as they leveled out and continued southward. It was so close and so out of place I knew I was witnessing something I probably wasn’t meant to see.
We were approximately a 40 minute drive from the Canadian border with no large airport in the area. The plane itself had no markings. None. There were no tail numbers, no decals, nothing but seagreen gray.
I wish I knew more about plane types but all I can do is describe it.
It had fixed wings. I know . That’s a thing right? It would seem they all would be fixed. But in my preliminary research fixed wings are a thing.
The body type resembled a C130 but much smaller. So maybe it was a type of cargo plane or transport.
It was actually about the size of 6 Cessnas float planes. We get a lot of float planes landing on the lakes around here. They are quite small compared to this beast.
I have also watched Boeing practice flights as pilots train in large planes over Washington state’s farmland.
This brief event was neither a training flight nor an emergency.
This was intentional flying at a very low altitude with no identifying markings.
Our location is so close to the Canadian border one could think of drug runners. I ruled that out quickly as the cessna would be a more likely choice for those scoundrels. And they would know this is a popular place in the summertime and choose a less visible route.
I turned back to my driveway chore and hollered at my co-worker. Hey, did you see that?
Not fully, he replied, but I heard it.
Katy came up from the dock down below. She had just been swimming.
Did you see that? she asked.
Did you see any markings? I asked her.
No, none at all.
It was flying below the radar, I said. That was weird.
Yes, but we both saw it so we are not crazy, Katy offered.
Thanks for that.
A moment in time that I may never know what just happened.
The brief witnessing of something that may be largely significant.
Or not.
Priest lake. A two part lake connected by an isthmus of water that is designated as a no wake zone. This passageway to wilderness is very popular for kayaking and canoes. An achievable daytime goal would be to reach the upper lake, have a picnic and then return before rough afternoon winds. Upper Priest has camping, hiking trails and almost no private property. Therefore no development. Lots of wildlife and bountiful flora, a very sacred feeling settles into the lucky ones who have experienced this beautiful place. Just at the entrance of the passageway is a large camping area and public beach. Many locals and travelers from all the States come to this lake as an idyllic getaway.
This is the lake where we were working on a perfect summer day.
The temperature was about 83 Fahrenheit. The water was about 50. Chilly and yet refreshing if you don’t stay in too long.
Not a cloud or chemtrail in the sky, a blue reflection on a blue lake was inset by forests of green.
Serenity is the word that comes to mind.
Mountains to the East are the backside of a popular ski resort. Tall tree forests are filled with huckleberries and bears. The undulating terrain that would make it difficult to fly a large craft close to the ground.
There are many things happening lately that are not the norm. Many of these things will never be known by me. I am okay with that.
Sometimes a sighting such as this one gives insight to that world of secrecy that is happening.
Again, just the thought of this is speculation.
But there can be a greater understanding that presents itself here.
When standing in nature in such an idyllic situation the whole place becomes a no-wake zone. Even the tiniest ripple will be seen.
This zone is not an unawakened state but a heightened state of awareness.
From here, even in the most uncertain set of circumstances, there is a sacred place within reach for all of us.
There may be low flying intruders causing a wake but they will stand out and be noticed even when they try to hide their identity.
If their presence makes you feel uncomfortable or that you are going crazy by what you just witnessed, know that you are not alone.
We are never alone.
We are fully supported by others standing on the same shore.
So when the chaos flies by, allow it, acknowledge it, but let your engagement be brief.
Then take a minute and have gratitude for the beauty that surrounds you.
It is everywhere. And it is there for you if that is where you choose to be.