The single word that best describes my state these days is “bemused.“
I wander through the hours in a state of mild incredulity. Sensible-looking adults are wearing masks outdoors, some of them double-masked, which draws a surreptitious double-take from me.
I go to routine healthcare appointments and am vaguely startled at the persistent social distancing and mask-wearing signs. They look like relics in the aftermath of a disaster.
I sailed through the front entrance at the clinic on my way to an eye appointment last week, waving gaily at the doorkeeper, cheerfully accepting and haphazardly donning the N95 mask she thrust at me. We were both laughing and I’m not sure why.
It might be that laughter, any kind of silliness, is the only sensible demeanor these days, these waning days of Covid hysteria.
The governor of California has declared a statewide “emergency“ because of monkeypox. According to the article I glanced at, the declaration will speed the deployment of a monkeypox vaccine.
Funny, I see zero signs of a disastrous disease outbreak, and after the catastrophic failure of the Covid vaccines, surely no one will believe a monkeypox vaccine would be any better.
Admittedly, I have followed almost nothing of the monkeypox narrative, as I’m convinced it is no more than a last-gasp effort by the waning dark powers that be to control and manipulate the masses.
From what I gather, “monkeypox symptoms” are actually a horrific side effect of the Covid vaccines. However, I’m sure that opinion is not disseminated by conventional media or upheld by most medical professionals.
I suspect that the same otherwise sensible-looking people I see proudly and needlessly sporting masks will soon be rolling up their sleeves and eagerly taking in yet another dubious medical product.
The other day a friend commented that perhaps elderly family members, even if seemingly unawake, might come through the Ascension process and be gloriously restored to perfect health and well-being.
I love that idea. Rather than put one grain of my attention on Governor Newsom and his monkeypox vaccine rollout, I’m going to focus on an outcome of health and well-being for all of us, even those who seem to be clueless about many truths that seem obvious to me.
Many believe that only some will ascend, the “good” people, or those playing the role of goodness in this lifetime. I’d rather believe that if, on any level, we wish to, we can all enter the gloriousness that will be…whether we “deserve“ such glory, as judged by our limited awareness, or not.
Even those people with their double masks might be struck with instant enlightenment as a solar flare bursts into being, and the masks disintegrate and fall away without them having to do anything other than lift their faces to the Light.