Our opinion on the subject of climate change differs from Charlie’s, but we need all viewpoints on subjects of general importance.
As I understand it, the sun’s radiation arrives mainly in the ultraviolet range (UV) and heats the earth. Reflected radiation is mainly in the Infrared range (IFR) and heats only sunlit air, affecting temperature. However, I never did find out exactly how a few airborne parts per million (ppm) of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other Greenhouse Gases could be largely responsible for changing our climate.
However, I believe in climate change, and I spent 35 years recording several indicators. One indicator: Every year on the same day I drove the same high-altitude highway, south to north, and noted locations where Aspen leaves mainly changed from green to gold. I found that every year on the same date, Aspen leaves changed mainly to gold further north. I consider this as obvious evidence of climate change.
Also, I love to fly. Bought my first aircraft in 1956, so I could go when and where I wanted. Sold my last years later, but continued with the Civil Air Patrol, former Squadron Commander.
However, over many years I noticed my charts were being upgraded with slightly different runway compass headings. Many airports even had to repaint changed compass headings on their runways, but CO2 ppm levels or Aspen Gold locations seemed unrelated.
I had to find something that would increase UV radiation intensity, move locations of Fall Color change, and change runway compass headings. A maximum of 1 part of CO2 gas in 2,500 parts of air that retained IFR heat during daylight hours, which largely escapes during nighttime hours, could not do it all.
I think I found the solution in earth’s geomagnetic pole reversal, where the magnetic North Pole switches with the South Pole, which will obviously change compass headings. In fact, the magnetic north pole and south pole have switched many times and are even now changing positions, albeit very slowly; previous change was 79,000 years ago. (Earth spins on a geocentric axis, so that North Pole will stay unchanged.)
During geomagnetic pole reversal, the earth’s Magnetosphere field strength, which protects us from the sun’s UV radiation, will be reduced and any reduction in Magnetosphere field strength will allow greater UV radiation intensity on earth. This geomagnetic pole reversal effect on Magnetosphere field strength was recognized many years ago, and Magnetosphere field strength has continued to lessen over the years, slowly allowing greater UV intensity on earth AND affecting air temperature!
So, I came up with my simple, factual, and logical explanation for Climate Change:
- Earth’s Geomagnetic Poles are now switching positions and changing compass headings.
- While the poles are switching positions, earth’s Magnetosphere field strength will be reduced.
- With any reduction of Magnetosphere field strength, solar UV radiation intensity will increase.
- With any increase in sun’s UV intensity, increased reflected IFR will increase air temperature.
- Man has no control over pole reversal, the increased UV radiation or the reflected IFR heating.
- Eventually, protecting skin from UV damage and electronics from intense heat will be critical.
On another issue of note: I am a long time deep earth gas researcher, mainly of hydrogen. I had been trying to find a way to harness the immense amounts of hydrogen that vents from earth daily. My company recently spent nine million drilling a record depth well trying to find a more economical way to obtain hydrogen. The Russians spent many times that to find hydrogen in their super deep, 7.6 miles, Kola Peninsula Project. See Natural Hydrogen Energy LLC, from which I am now retired; pretty much losing everything in the process.
We believe the earth has a hydrogen core and a hydrogen saturated mantle, evidenced by the constant escape of hydrogen into space. The moon has an active part in its creation of earth tides, which drive the deep hydrogen to the surface. Thus the earth is somewhat alive, with the moon as its heart, pumping out hydrogen, and earth will live as long as the hydrogen circulates through its crust; making many changes that keep humans alive.
Best Regards,
Charles Odendhal III, 819 35th Avenue, Greeley, CO 80634, 970.371.0932 [email protected]