(Concluded from Part 3,)
Our own channeled sources agree with our terrestrial sages.
Matthew Ward tells us: “Your heart [is] the seat of the soul.” (1) Exactly so.
Tazjima described it in 2013:
“There is a secret space within your etheric body sometimes called the secret garden, the Holy of Holies, the secret chamber of the heart.
“Whatever title you give it, it is the seed that the Mother and Father gave to each of you, planted in your flesh, to grow and expand into self-mastery at the appropriate moment preordained by your Higher Self.” (2)
That seems like an excellent summary of the situation to me.
I discussed the matter at length with Michael as well and his comments are germane here. First of all, what is a heart?
Steve Beckow: Lord, I have had so much trouble describing the heart and for that matter describing love. What exactly is a heart?
Archangel Michael: It is the motor of your being. If you think of yourself, not just the physical motor, but the motor that keeps you infinitely connected to the divine, to the source, to the One.
So it is the way in which the fuel of love comes into the heart and allows you to experience what truly is almost beyond human words and expressions.
And that is because the word love has been so minimized – overused, disregarded and minimized. Now we do not want to differentiate in terms of the levels of love.
What we want is the sublime experience, existence, connection because when you are in the love, you are literally all-knowing. You have experienced this. (3)
So the heart is our motor and our connection to the One. The fuel of love comes to us through the heart and cannot be described in Third-Dimensional language. Michael adds:
“So that is where we want you to go. So that is the full connection. So being and experiencing love is truly accessing the heart, the mind, the existence of One. It is the place of complete union.” (4)
Ascension itself is a full and permanent heart opening. Keep going deeper and deeper into the heart, into love.
Where does the heart exist?
Steve: The heart … doesn’t exist on the physical, obviously. What dimension does the heart exist at or is it multidimensional?
AAM: It is multidimensional but if you want to find a home for it, it would be in the seventh.
Steve: … I tried to define love and I couldn’t do it. I wouldn’t even want to do it; it’s counterproductive. The heart is another one of those things that is very difficult to define or understand or communicate.
AAM: But you will keep trying.
Steve: I know – a thousand words – but I will keep trying.
AAM: Because it is the essential work. It is the essential message for humans to truly come to understand who they are. (5)
Yes, I will keep trying. I don’t know why, but I continually want to.
At this moment, as happens so often when I write about it, I’m experiencing a low level ( call it a “working level”) of this transformative love. It feels sweetly nurturing and buoys me up.
To summarize then, all of us are ascending by mounting Jacob’s Ladder of consciousness and eventually having one enlightenment experience after another.
Some of us will see the sight of the Self. Those of us who enter the heart in our meditations will find the Self “located” there, at the farthest reaches of the heart – in “the seat of the soul” or “the bottom of my heart.”
Scriptural passages that talk about the matter in flowery language are not romantic flourishes, but are being literally true in telling us where we can find the Self : In the heart.
Moreover, our sources tell us, love flows from the One to us via our hearts. Rather than looking to our partners to “supply” us with love, we may wish to look to the artesian well of it that endlessly and copiously flows – in the heart.
In the beginning, we were given an endless reservoir of love, hidden in the recesses of our heart. (6) Now Ascension will see us gradually – and sometimes suddenly – access that flow of love in the heart, which is destined to elevate us to a higher dimension of life.
(1) Matthew’s Message, May 21, 2008, at https://www.matthewbooks.com.
(2) “White Cloud: On Seeking the Savior Within,” channeled by Eliza Ayres ((AKA Tazjima Amariah Kumara)), December 25, 2013 at http://bluedragonjournal.com.
(3) Archangel Michael in a personal reading through Linda Dillon, Dec. 5, 2018. (Hereafter AAM.)
Yes, I experienced what he’s discussing here. During the vision of 1987 I felt myself drowned in bliss, which helped me to understand what I was seeing.
(4) Loc. cit.
(5) AAM, Dec. 5, 2018.
(6) In the end, we really do turn out to be cave dwellers: The self dwells in the cave of the heart.