to the Human Collective for Peace
Please Know I Love You with All of My Heart.
Let me tell You of My Honouring, of My Knowing
That All of You & I are Here to be Peaceful,
Gentle, Graceful Together.
I Have All the Confidence in the World in Us,
in our Abilities, in our Bright Selves to Honour This,
to Change Behaviour for the Comfort of Everyone
to Forgive/be Peace, to be Compassion/LOVE,
to be Gratitude/Joy for the entire Journey.
I & many have abhorrence of behaviour not of love.
Let’s be True to our Sacred Selves, our Sacred Journeys.
I Offer You My Help. I Am Here for You.
I Am Here for You on this Sacred Journey,
this Sacred Unfoldment.
I Have All the Faith in the World in You.
What do You Need? I Am Here for You.
From my principal guide, Catri’anna, through Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love:
First go into meditation. Go into your heart & call forth the Higher Self/Collective you wish to speak with.
Tell this person/group of your Love, of your respect, of your understanding that you are part & parcel of the same sacred circle & then convey the message you wish to communicate.
Your conversation penetrates & floats down into the mind, ego, personality.
The message will be received loud & clear so they see there are different choices that they are supported in making.
Speaking from your Higher Self to the person’s/collective’s Higher Self ~ offer your help ~ let them know you are there for them.
The physical 3D conversation takes place after several soul conversations, after the soul conversation is anchored.
The real work has been done outside of the physical.
When one asks in a soul conversation, “What do you need?” the person/group you are conversing with, will always answer you.
So you give it to them.
Sometimes it is acknowledgement.
Sometimes it is a little push.
Sometimes it is more Love.
A soul conversation is the easiest & most rapid way to get results.