Do all our past lives still live on another plane? Archangel Michael says, no. They all live in us and not as separate beings.
Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Aug. 17, 2018.
Steve: OK, so Past Life X lived and X transitioned. When the next incarnation happened – let’s say that it was Past Life Y – did X leave the heavenly spheres and enter into the body of Y? Would you still find X on the higher realms?
AAM: No. No, he is part of you.
Steve: He is part of me… So X would have reincarnated as Y and Y would have reincarnated as Past Life Z.
AAM: Yes, that is correct. It is not a severing. That would create great disarray and might we say, disconnection for each being to be independent and remaining at home. And let us explain why.
Your energy field, as you think of it, is much bigger and grander and inclusive, not exclusive. So all of you, since the departure from the heart of One, is included and so that is why you have access – whether it’s conscious, unconscious, subconscious, it matters not – you have access to those talents, the abilities, the experience of what has gone before.
So they are not removed from you and you’re not trying to reach back into some etheric heaven to try and access the strength, shall we say, of X. No, it is integrated within.
Steve: So for instance, you wouldn’t find, if you went looking for X on the other side, you wouldn’t find X?
AAM: You would find him in Vancouver.
Steve: Boy, I think we understand very little about that.