A friend sent me a video yesterday that led, necessarily, to an interesting conversation today. Being one to cut to the chase, I first went to the end of it to listen to the song she was trying to identify. My next step was to go to the beginning to start watching, but I didn’t get much farther than reading the title.
It had both the words “documentary” and “monsters” in it, which I found to be intriguing enough to hit the play button. The thing that prompted me to quit watching what suddenly felt like not only a waste of my time, but a psy-op, was seeing that it was produced by Warner Brothers.
Excuse me? I imagine that now you want to go find the video to see what I saw. The friend who sent it along actually did watch all the way through, and she wishes that she hadn’t done so. You don’t want to be looking into the eyes of the devil.
The upshot of this is that the old playbook of the cabal to make movies that reveal what they do, and what they’re going to do…it’s been revised a bit. ‘Ramped up’ feels like an accurate descriptor.
We have to understand that the battle going on is for many things, including the collective Human mind. Is the cabal going to try to mind-control people by producing films that appear to be pro-humanity when in fact, embedded in the creation of each one is coding and frequencies that are designed to ensnare minds?
They target the minds that have only recently opened to discovering the things that Seekers, Starseeds and Lightworkers have been absorbing for years. Purposeful, sugar-coated poison donuts in a different kind of wrapper are these things.
I don’t want to identify the movie in question and give it more press. The point is simply to give a heads-up that the cabal psy-ops are shifting into high gear in an attempt to harvest and corrupt the newly awakening. I personally have faith in Humanity; that we’re smarter than that; that we’ve learned to question way more than we ever did before; that we have at least a growing inkling that we’ve been lied to on all fronts.
We do have the power to refuse, to claim our Sovereignty and choose our own path. We also get to decide what we’ll allow to influence our field, and what we’ll keep from infiltrating it. Can we do that for the unaware collective as well? To a degree, I reckon that we can. It feels like a most excellent opportunity to do our own ramping up…We have awesome power at our fingertips, and it’s time for us to exercise it.
How about this?
~ In the name of the Light ~
May the entirety of our Human collective
Be gifted with Divine Clarity and Peace of Mind, free of alteration by any means and from any source.
May all energies that do not serve Us be freed to sink slowly into the magnificent Earth Star Chakra beneath the feet of each Human, for sacred transmutation…
For the highest good of all concerned.
Make it so!
We’ve been held back for far too long already, and a massive Divine Dispensation would be most appropriate in my view, and most welcome. It is not part of Human nature to take action against another. Survival on this planet surely was meant to be different than it has been.
Humanity seems now to be at a critical juncture in the midst of a massive evolutionary experiment. We’re being observed rather closely here. It matters not so much what’s presented in our path as what we choose to do with it.
Who wants to contemplate how dreadfully the Earth and the life upon her have been used and abused? We do need a certain level of awareness of all of that, but to dwell there helps no one. Contemplating, instead, our respective dream situations, our freedom and what we’re going to do with it is a far more productive and enjoyable way to spend our time.
In that vein, we can also simply pray for and feel into the burgeoning clarity of the Human collective, imagining and creating that we’ve all become immune to misinformation and misdirection…in fact, immune to deception of all kinds.
We may not know the people that we’re praying for, but it hardly matters.
Love is the Driver.