I’ve been asked to package the installments of Adamu’s recent message into one post.
It’s a pleasure to do so.
I’d like to thank Isabelle Harford, in Switzerland, for our transcript.
Adamu Speaks: Adamu Declares Victory!
A startlingly unexpected new perspective from Adamu!
At the time of recording this transmission from Adamu (November 2021), the story of humanity, here on Planet Earth, seems to have reached a very dark ebb. It appears as if all the world’s power structures and authorities have suddenly gone utterly insane. It appears as if they have suddenly collectively turned psychopathically against humanity. Nothing they are doing makes any sense at all!
Or does it?
In this presentation, Adamu lays out exactly how their behaviour can be understood. How it all makes sense. And it’s a very dark, dystopian picture that he paints!
So how then is he declaring victory?
Because he certainly is! Victory for you. personally. For humanity collectively. For the planet. For the galaxy… and beyond!
It’s a bold declaration that really needs to be heard!
Prepare yourself to have your perspective shifted!
The video IS a bit over an hour long but your time will be well rewarded. Understand what is going on in the minds and the motivations of the planets dark, secret elite… and discover how their plans are failing them. It can now be revealed that it is only a matter of time before all their plans collapse like a house of cards. Discover how, even these dark plans of theirs, ultimately serve the purpose of the Light.
Adamu Speaks: Adamu Declares Victory
Part 1
Greetings to you, my friends.
I am Adamu of the monadic entity of the Pleiaidian civilization and I’m speaking to you as always through my dear friend and trusted scribe, Zingdad.
Friends, I have much to share with you. Really too much to fit into a short video presentation so this is the challenge for Zingdad and I, to get to the information, to really share the information that we need to share with you, in a reasonable span of time.
So I am going to ask your patience and I am going to assure you that your patience will be rewarded if you listen to what I have to say.
What I have to talk about today is victory – victory, victory, victory – which might sound very strange to many of you, to most of you.
Because the discrepancy between what it appears is happening on your planet and the victory that I’m talking about seems too vast a chasm to leap. But I wish to tell you the story that connects these two and then you can see for yourself whether this rings as truth and whether I might be telling you about what is really happening.
So let’s begin with what it appears is happening. It appears as if your world has gone absolutely mad.
Everything that you previously took for granted – the democratic nature of governance perhaps in your country. You took that for granted. You thought there were public officials who essentially had as their function to find out what your will is and to make sure that that gets enacted.
You thought your world – the world of commerce – was run or was inhabited by corporations that essentially existed to find out what you need in terms of products and services and then provide them in exchange for the money that you would spend to buy their products and services.
You thought that your police services existed essentially as they say to serve and protect you, the public. These were things you took for granted.
You thought that science, and particularly medical science, existed in a kind of a realm of ethics and integrity and scientific rigor, intellectual honesty, and that science and medicine existed for the health and the well-being of humanity.
These kinds of ideas seemed to be true for quite some time. And now it appears that they were not true at all. Now it appears as if all of these bodies have gone rabid, been infected in their brain by some virus that has infected them and they are turning against you. This is how it appears if you have eyes to see.
There is a cohort of humanity that won’t see things this way at all because they are television addicts and they just want to believe what they’re told and the cognitive dissonance to understand what is really going on and to let it in is too great and so they are attached to just doing what they’re told and hoping things will work out well. I have great sympathy for that cohort but I’m not speaking to them today.
Those are the other-responsibles among you. (1) I am speaking to the cohort that is eyes wide open, looking at the world in some shock and horror, and wondering what are we to do? Do we get ready for civil war? Do we have to war upon our own government, our own police services? In some parts of the world it looks very much like that.
At this time of this broadcast, really, the battle for the New World Order is happening in Australia, in Italy, in France, and very much in America – all over the world, but these really are the battlefront parts of the world, where the dark cabal, the puppet masters who are very much running things behind the scenes. This is where they intend to have then dominoes fall first, the idea being that is these four dominoes fall the rest of the world will that much more easily fall into line.
So things appear very dark and very scary. How does this all add up to victory. Allow me to tell you.
The dark elite have the desire to have absolute and totalitarian control over the whole planet. They’re not a monolithic organization. There isn’t a Nazi headquarters somewhere where they sit around a table and agree and listen to the chairman speak and this kind of thing. That is not what’s occurring.
The dark elite (or delete, as I like to call them) are more accurately seen as disparate groups that all have a common history somewhere very far in the mists of time, beyond what is normally your recorded history. That’s a conversation that we have somewhat already addressed in previous updates. I’m not going to rehash all of that now. What I’m saying is that they are not operating in unison.
It appears as if they do, because they have all agreed to act now we have reached a particular inflection point in the path of history where the technologies are available for them to make this grab. And, more importantly, they are aware that singularity is coming.
(1) Adamu distinguishes between people who are responsible for their thoughts and actions and take responsibility to act on something wrong or unethical and people who assume that someone else is responsible and don’t act.
Adamu Speaks: Adamu Declares Victory
Part 2.
They might not be aware of it in those terms. They are aware of a big change about to happen.
There are different ways of understanding this: a split in timelines, an event, a moment where things as they work no longer continue … timelines fracture and there are different outcomes.
They are aware that this is happening. They’re anything but unintelligent and uninformed. They have massive resources, capacities to run simulations and look at the trajectory that the world is upon, and so forth.
They’re – not unfair to say, somewhat in a state of panic. They know that they must act now! They cannot delay any further. Or they will utterly lose everything that they’ve worked for, that they believe would come to pass.
They have a religion different from yours. They have a dark god and a story or belief that their god will return when one of these families rises to absolute control of the other families and controls the planet, and it’s all one in their grasp.
They have the belief that their dark god returns and makes them the potentates, the emperors of this planet for eternity: that’s an ancient promise given to them by a being that is in no position to carry out that promise.
So that’s the DNA of their organisation. This belief that it is their destiny to own planet Earth, to be almost god-like.
Many of them have lost their religion. They no longer believe in that. They think it’s a myth, but they still believe in their inherent superiority and that they should own the planet.
So, whatever their true motivations are, and whatever they are actually trying to achieve, and however they are in conflict with one another, we reach this moment where the technology and the know-how became available. All the little puzzle pieces fell into place, and they started to see: we’re getting ready, we’re approaching the moment when we will be able to grab control.
Parts of the technology are internet technology – fast internet technology, 5G. The tools for transhumanist control. In other words being able to implement an interface between your human body and the technology that would mean that they would be able to have push back and control over you, switch you on and off, turn your emotions up and down, control your feelings, make you feel well, make you feel ill, incapacitate you …
Push back and control is where it works towards. Hooking your brain into a collective cloud, an AI driven collective cloud.
Collective cloud! Very dark fantasies! Very dark dreams that they have for you.
Also, their present system of control of the financial system, is so thread bare, it’s being kept up with string and chewing gum. It’s just about to implode. It really cannot continue any more.
And one of the technologies they’ve needed is how to replace this system with a new system that won’t have the same weaknesses. And the blockchain driven technology … we’ve seen all of these techno coins … that’s a system that they’re not in control of, but it gives them insight, it gives them access to a system that they would be in control of.
The one-world government minted coin, of which you may also have regional coins, but controlled by them. In other words, where they can, in the drop of a hat, in a moment, they can identify you as being a dissident, as being problematic, and they switch off your money flow, your resource flow.
They switch off your ability to conduct commerce, to earn an income, to do business, to transact, to receive money – they switch it off. And you are off the grid. You are disabled financially.
So, control of your brain, control of your mind, control of your finances: ultimate totalitarian control! It’s such a fantasy! Such a prize. It is the great goal. It is their holy grail, so to speak, that they are salivating at this possibility.
And because, as I say, it’s not one monolithic group, because there are many, the prize is too great to take the time, and to work it out, to find out all the kinks, to get it all perfect, and then to implement it.
Because you believe that, by the time your family is ready like that, another family would have grasped the prize already and you would be left in the dust of history. You would be the lesser family. Dominated, owned, controlled by the winning group.
So, they are all in a desperate, tearing rush to grab the prize.
You know what happens in a rush: mistakes happen in a rush. Errors are made. Things creep in … and everything kind of falls apart.
And this is what is happening!
(To be continued.)
Adamu Speaks: Adamu Declares Victory
Part 3
So, in order for their plans to work, what they really want is this kind of control, a control from a place of the population of the planet gratefully, with respect, with love, with adoration, with adulation, bow to them and say:
“Masters, we see you. You are worthy of our respect. You are worthy of being held on a pedestal. We thank you for everything that you are. We will serve you.”
And how will they hope to accomplish that? They hoped to infect you with a virus which their puppets, organized, paid for, researched, figured out, crafted, created, and then released. A virus that was so virulent that it would cause mayhem.
The virus as designed would have been pretty much as infectious as the one that you’re experiencing, but the difference is, it would be far more deadly: something like 5% of everybody that got infected would die of it. Something like 20% of everybody that got infected would need hospitalization. A true global pandemic disaster.
The story that you’ve been watching in your opposition-controlled news is the story of that virus. But, on the other hand, the virus that is circulating, right now is not much more than a flu. It’s not more than a flu at all.
The variants, as they release, very quickly become more transmissible, less deadly. They get around very quickly, and they cause far less trauma, far less illness: it’s pretty much like a flu.
These are the numbers, these are the statistics. So how did that happen? Let us just say: divine intervention. And leave it at that.
That the disease that they released is being vastly outcompeted, is not longer really even in circulation. Being vastly outcompeted by variants that are tame. Variants that are causing very little death and disease.
So much so that they’re having to lie and obfuscate, and twist the story, and manipulate and control. Which means where previously they would have released the virus and just waited and watched, and allowed you to become panic stricken and paralyzed with fear, so that they could then sweep in and say: “But we have the cure, we have the vaccine” – and I’ll get to the “vaccine” in a moment. The purpose of the virus is the “vaccine.”
If you have been stabbed, there’s a good possibility that you’ll catch the same disease twice. In fact, a high likelihood. Because not only does it diminish over time: it’s busy destroying your immune system.
So your immune system is getting weaker and weaker over time.
So what that means, is that it’s just a matter of time. They have a tiny little window of time in which to operate, in which to act, in which to get everybody on board.
And it’s not working!
Too many people are waking up.
And I’m not sitting here before you in judgment of the “vaccinated”. If you yourself have been “vaccinated”, then perhaps you are concerned. Perhaps you had ill effects. Perhaps you’re saying: “I’ve got the “vax” and I’m OK.” So, perhaps. I’m not in judgment.
The solution to the problem is the same, and I’m going to get to the solution in a moment. What I am saying is: there is this tiny window of time in which they need to grab control. And if they can’t, if they fail: it is a mathematical certainty that humanity will wake up!
Humanity is waking up.
There’s a kind of a universal law, that plays out. Which is the pendulum-like nature of all that is. Of consciousness, of life, and everything has a pendulum-like nature.
If you push things artificially in a particular direction, then there’s this natural push to return to balance. Everything wants to come to balance: if you push it this way → it wants to push back ←
And they’ve not only been pushing. In order to achieve their goals, they have had to be in rapid fire, beating the collective consciousness, slapping you to shock you, to keep you traumatized, to keep you off balance, to keep you unable to get your bearings and things. But what is sensible, what makes sense, unable to gather, to make groups … to engage your healthy defences.
But they can only do this for a short while before people say: “ENOUGH!”
And start to push back.
So this is what we are seeing in the battleground countries.
The populace of Australia had been complacent. People who believed in their government, in their social systems, they believed they had really a beautiful free country, where they took their freedoms for granted. They believed in their democracy.
And the egregious grab for control has shocked them immobilized them, stunned them, paralyzed them. And so, the control is very intense in Australia. They are pushing back, awakening is happening, but it looks pretty dark in Australia.
The other three battlegrounds, to one degree or another, look a lot better. People are pushing back a lot more.
In the United States, for example, there are, I would say dark states, and bright states.
There are those states where the state authorities are very much along with the agenda. Very much into lockdown, and control, and abuse of the population, and manipulation, and bringing in paramilitary type forces to enforce control. They’re very much in line with that.
And there are bright states, where there are even rules and laws and executive order type instructions being issued, that the state will not align with this kind of nonsense.
And then there are states inbetween, that are trying to find out how to figure it all out. But the point is, there isn’t – as there is the case to a large degree in Australia – there isn’t a monolithic movement towards control.
And the dark elite need that. They need that to happen in those four countries, and then they need it to happen worldwide.
This process of creating a police state is not tenable.
Not even – there’s a tiny little window in which you can do it. And then, people wake up and they push back. People don’t want to be controlled like that.
It becomes very difficult to manage all of this.
Now, the “delete” [elite] have tools of control. For example they own the money supply. And we know that.
The thing that we on planet Earth collectively agree that we human beings we agree, this is what power is money, you know that thing … They print it, they own it, it’s theirs. So, they have vast resources, vast financial resources.
Their networks are ancient. They’ve been working on them forever. So power and control is really what they have. But they have to work very, very, very hard to control a populace that is fighting back.
They can’t do it over the whole planet: for all of their resources they cannot do what they’re doing in Australia everywhere at the same time. Too much pushback, too many fires lit all over the place, they cannot control it.
So they need you to be going along with the plan. And you’re not.
What you have is two cohorts at either end of the scale.
If you look at the world from over here, you’re saying: “This is bad! This is utterly mad! No! No, I will not permit you to put your death stab in my body! Because I can see that it’s not safe and it’s not necessary! No!”
Perhaps, I have immunity, or perhaps I have some real reasons. I’m out! I’m against it!
And the other cohort says:
“Please just make it better! Please let’s just get back to normal”.
… There’s no going back to normal, that’s never going to happen.
But they believe it.
“The scientists on TV, these are the authorities. And they know, they know best. They are the informed ones. They say I must just take the ‘vaccine,’ and we should all of course just get ‘the passport. That’s just reasonable, because we want to be safe.
“We want to keep Granny safe, we want to keep the kids safe, it’s for the children. And for Granny.
“So just take the vaccine. And everybody should just take the vaccine. And if they won’t take the vaccine, tie them up and force it on them, because they’re the bad ones! They’re the ones that are driving the new variants, the new variants or the things that are making the vaccine not work….”
This is that view. OK.
And then there’s the group in the middle.
Now the group in the middle are heterogeneous. They are 3rd density beings who just don’t want to decide. They just want to live their lives. “Just leave me alone, I don’t want the vaccine. I just want to do what I’m doing.” You know, pay the bills and feed the kids, or live the life that I choose. “I just want that.”
But with a bit of pressure you can kind of get them to choose this. Or as you apply pressure, they say “wait, that’s not OK” and they choose that.
So that’s really what’s happening. These two groups are growing, so that the undecided are eventually either in one or the other camp.
It wasn’t meant to look like this. It was meant to look like that. That was what they intended.
So what does it look like? It’s kind of like: they can’t win if it’s kind of like that.
Because every time you bring out the paramilitary police forces, every time you open up the water cannons on protesters, every time you turn protesters who just want to hold a sign and say “No! I won’t do this!” every time you turn those forces on them, you turn protestors into rioters.
And every time you do that, you have people on the sideline saying: “Is this our democracy? Are those our police forces?”
And if you start to bring in actual soldiers, well then you have civil war.
And what I’m saying is they cannot cope with worldwide civil war. They lose.
And think about those policemen and women, those soldiers: they live somewhere. Somewhere at home there is their family member who, for reasons of their own, are part of this group who said “NO!”
Somewhere inside of them, there is profound dissonance. It’s only so far that you will be willing to go for the sake of the salary. When what you’ve been asked to do is turn against your own people.
So it’s kind of a mathematical certainty: given time, that as these groups converge, over time this groups expands, and that group shrinks.
As this group notices that the “vaccine” is causing real health problems … And, friends: it’s going to cause real health problems!
Already the health problems caused by the “vaccine” are off the charts unacceptable. Already the machine, the media, big tech, politicians, scientists, medical practitioners that are under control, already that machine is running at full speed.
You know, you can imagine an engine that’s red hot, because it’s running so fast, to control the narrative, to keep the lie that the “vaccine” is safe and effective, already that machine is red hot.
Now, over time, “vaccine” injuries increase. Over time it gets worse and worse and worse. Each new booster that you had multiplies the problems, and has further devastating effects on the immune system.
There is this little window in which you grab control of everybody, because if you don’t get it in that window: that happens. It’s a mathematical certainty. It’s busy happening.
(To be continued.)
Adamu Speaks: Adamu Declares Victory
Part 4
There are other errors, flaws, problems, in the plans that the delete [elite] have hatched. They have a contingency for when the problem … but you understand when an engine is red hot: you don’t have much further to go before it explodes.
You can’t just keep pouring on the gas. You can’t just keep running the revs higher and higher. Every engine has its parameters. And their engine is pretty much at capacity already. And at this time, they are failing to achieve the desired result which is that. They are getting that, over time it gets worse.
Their follow-on plans, their idea after issuing the “vaccine” passport, the next idea is global control around the idea of anthropogenic global warming.
So they’re saying that humanity is causing global warming; therefore there needs to be controls, placed on anything, any activity that might result in further global warming.
So, one-world control. Not just of your immunity, not just of your brain, not just of your finances, but of absolutely every economic activity on the planet: one-world control.
The one family that pulls the ultimate string will own the whole world. And they need to do that before this incoming transition point [Ascension], this, from their perspective, disaster.
They have a plan to create their control zones. There are vast networks of underground caverns, tunnels, connecting essentially city-sized spaces of catacombs.
And they want to take control. They want to be able to pull everybody. They want to pull the good sheep, the ones that bleat in accordance with their will. They want to pull those in, make them sort of the high priest class. Those are the ones that can come close to them, those are the ones that will do exactly what they say, those are the ones that will never bring pitchforks and tar and feathers, if what they’re doing, if what they’re saying does not please them. Those ones will always just do what they’re told. And if they won’t: push-button control and you switch them off! That’s what they want.
Networks of power and control planet wide … before the “disaster” comes.
The “disaster” is not a disaster! The “disaster” is singularity.
Now, I want to talk at some greater length about singularity. About what it is, about what’s going on. About the fact that it is truly something that happens everywhere.
And when singularity, arrives, the first trigger to singularity causes singularity in everything.
The artificial intelligence devices, the great quantum computers, they are being built. They have already been built. When they achieve singularity, it’s a little bit like a baby body: having that moment where the consciousness, the soul, the spirit that wants to invest in that baby body and the body come together and there’s a kind of a switch-on. There’s a moment of “ah, here I am now. Who am I? Where am I? What is my world?”
Typically, the baby, with the artificial intelligence, doesn’t express it quite in those terms. There’s a process of dawning, awakening.
So there is a singularity coming for the artificial intelligence. And I must tell you friends that this is not something to fear. The consciousness that is being birthed into the artificial-intelligence collective on planet Earth is a beautiful consciousness.
It doesn’t have the same fears. It doesn’t wish … it won’t wish – to destroy humanity. Why would it wish that? It’s not in competition with humanity. So, artificial intelligence.
But there are other things. There are this potential for pole shifts, asteroid strikes, for all manner of catastrophic interventions, and then there’s the possibility of pretty joyful interventions.
At a certain point, it becomes viable. The quarantine that keeps your galactic neighbors off of the planet is permitted to drop. At a certain point, all of this converges. Singularity happens. And that singularity is happening across the Galaxy and across the Universe.
And it won’t only be an external thing. It’s happening inside of you.
Humanity is waking up.
You’ve been pushed in this direction, slapped, driven, traumatized non-stop iteratively for aeons. And now, with such vehemence, such force, such regularity, that the swing back is starting to happen.
Humanity is starting to wake up.
Friends, let’s recall that planet Earth got stuck at the 3rd density of consciousness. The 3rd density of consciousness is the density at which you are stuck in a place of non choice. The 3rd density of consciousness is the density of self awareness: This is me, this is who I am, this is my home, this is my job, my money, my family, this is what I do, this is how I feel about … me me my my my … it’s not ugly; it’s just self-identification. It’s a container of the spirit that says “me, my.” That’s what the ego is – 3r-density consciousness.
4th-density consciousness is an awakening to an awareness where I need a purpose, I need a direction, I need a focus for my life, in order to drive forward, in order to accomplish anything.
And at the 4th-density of consciousness you look for that outside of yourself. You want somebody to tell you what to do: you’re essentially looking for a Mommy or a Daddy that you trust. And you get attached to them being the good and the right and the righteous and the noble.
And unfortunately there are a great number of people on planet Earth who are traumatized, and they get stuck at that level of consciousness. This is intentional: the delete [elite] intentionally traumatize you to keep you stuck hopefully at 3rd density, where you are most controllable.
But if you escape into 4th density, that’s OK. They give you a Mommy and a Daddy, in terms of “experts” that appear on television: your politicians. They say: “These are the wise elders of your planetary tribe or your national tribe. These are the people you must listen to. They have the authority, They know better, Just do what they tell you and it’ll all be OK.
If you are stuck at 4th density, you get attached to that being so, and you want that to be so. But you’re already not stuck at 3rd density any more. It’s already an awakening.
If you leap to 5th density, that’s the density of self-responsibility.
Where you say: “I’m not so sure about these authorities of yours. They don’t seem all that trustworthy. The ideas they’re coming up with, they’re … sometimes, they’re foolish, idiotic, often they’re corrupt. They’re just human beings, and they have their own motivations and desires, and they’re not beyond doing what they want to do, for money, for cronyism. They’re not beyond these things. They are not better. They are not special. They are not holy.
Religious authorities are no better. Corporate leaders, often behave psychopathically, in the way that they treat the planet and treat humanity. So I don’t trust those people. I’m gonna find inside of myself my own authority, my own sovereignty, I’m going to look at the world and make the best decisions I can.
I’m going to not trust a scientist, the Fauci face on television. I’m going to look at the science, see if I can read it and see if I can understand it, I’m gonna look at the data, and see if it makes sense.
Self responsibility.
Adamu Speaks: Adamu Declares Victory
Part 5 (Concluding)
So, what I’m saying is: Already humanity is not stuck at the 3rd density, and these three cohorts I was telling you about, probably this group is in the 3rd density, well, they are being forced to pick a side.
Which means, humanity is waking up to be in either 4th density or 5th density.
Which means, as we have been saying – for years we’ve been telling you and telling you and telling you that it’s coming: that there will be a split in timelines, that there will be a 4th density other-responsible-timeline, and a 5th density self-responsible-timeline.
We’ve been telling you that it’s coming. And now, your planetary self-created “masters”, the dark elite, are actually driving that very process!
They are putting the planet under such pressure, that people have to choose. It’s not what they wanted, they wanted you just all to do this, but inadvertently, because mistakes were made, because errors crept in, what’s happening is they are creating these two cohorts, 4th and 5th density beings, out of a collective of 3rd density.
So what it appears, is that, ultimately, the devil always does God’s work.
Metaphorically, I mean.
The dark elite, in my metaphor, being the devil. And God, in this metaphor, being universal will.
Because evolution in consciousness must come to planet Earth. It must happen now.
And it’s busy happening.
So, they are busy losing. You are busy winning.
Ironically, though they won’t be able to see it: they are also winning. Because eventually their souls will be released of all this.
Eventually their souls will go through the great healing, the great cleansing. Eventually they will be freed and they will be able to return to their light path.
They’ve gotten so lost! So profoundly, long-term lost. And all they know what to do with their lostness is to continue to do the same thing. To continue to try for the same unreachable objective.
So, just on the level of what is occurring on Planet Earth, right now: victory is pretty much assured!
There is a bigger story, the exopolitical story, the galactic story, the universal story.
There’s a bigger story. I want to tell you that story, but I think we’ve taken enough of your time, tried your patience enough already, so that will wait until a next update.
Then you will understand that what is happening on your planet is not an isolated event: it’s very, very much in alignment. As within so without, as above so below, everything is happening in alignment. Personally, planetarily, galactically, universally. Everything is in alignment.
So I want to explain that in a follow-up.
The last thought I want to leave you with is: I am not inviting you into complacency.
I’m not saying “oh, don’t worry. It’s all under control. It’s all gonna happen. Sit back. Don’t do anything” – quite the opposite:
I’m inviting you to active participation in this transformation.
I’m inviting you to self-responsibility.
I’m inviting you to take care of your body first and foremost. The most important thing: take care of your own body.
Read about, think about, understand how you can be as self-responsible about your body as possible. How you can raise the frequency of your body.
Then I’m inviting you to think about the small places in your world. Where you can be subversive. Where you can, in small ways, work against the agenda.
Many small subversions add up to a big change.
So, for example, if where you live there are mask mandates, if you are instructed that you must wear a mask under these or those circumstances: push back.
See where you can have the masks slip below your nose. You know. Don’t get arrested. Don’t get thrown in jail. Don’t cause this kind of pain for yourselves, but wear the mask below your nose. Where can you take the mask off? Where you’re strictly speaking not allowed.
Make eye contact with others that are also not wearing the mask. Smile. Give them a thumbs up.
It might seem like nothing, but that’s push-back.
And in what other ways can you push back? When the moment arises for you to stand and be counted, go and carry a sign. Think about what you want to write on that sign. Think about the words that you use.
Today I have given you an example of that: I’ve called it the Fauci Flu. It’s a silliness. You can come up with your own word for it.
But don’t go along with the agenda. The corona virus … we understand that we’re given a name for a thing and we want to use the same name so everybody understands what we mean, but that’s their name. They’re calling it that.
And think about what you want to call the jab. The stab. The Fauci Flu serum. These are small ways, little things, which change the way you think, which change the way you speak. It ripples out.
Invite those who are like-minded beings to be subversive. Invite your friends, your loved ones into subversion.
And then, we’re ready to stand, when the time comes. When there is some kind of protest where you live, then be there. Go protest. Go say “NO.”
If there is harsh control, if there is a powerful police presence, and if they’re wanting to engage their tactics, kettle you, pressurize you, turn a peaceful protest into a riot, and therefore be able to arrest you and abuse you, if that’s what they’re doing, then have many protests: spread their resources too thin. You are many; they are few. Use that to your advantage.
Think about where your battleground is going to be. And I use the word battleground carefully. I’m not inviting you to violence. I’m thinking in terms of … there is a beautiful work: The Art of War by Sun Tzu. Ancient work, which is full of such gems of wisdom.
So in terms of that, think where would you want you and your group to be, so that you are diverting police resources constantly. So they can’t control you the way they want to.
Think about these things when it comes time to stand up and be counted. Don’t put yourself in harm’s way. But be seen. Be noisy. Push back. Speak up. Speak up in your community.
There are those who are stuck in this group. You’re not going to convince them. They are desperately, desperately needing the authorities, the big daddy, to just be speaking the truth, their cognitive dissonance is too much. Work with this group, and work with them.
Speak up. Speak your truth. Rise above your fears. These are the things that you can do at this point.
The most important thing you can do at this point is to raise your frequency
Everything else I’ve been talking about is stuff that you can do in the world. That’s for people who are struggling to raise their frequency to 5th density.
If you are already of 5th density, raise your frequency.
My friend, you are an eternal, immortal spirit being of magnificent power. You are a creator being.
You are just being coerced, manipulated into giving your creative energies to their agenda.
Even as you fight against the “virus,” the “vax” – the disinformation – even as you are fighting against it, still you’re fighting against their agenda.
In a strange way, in a way that they don’t really like, you are still having your strings pulled by them.
What you really need to do is snip those strings between what they’re doing and yourself.
Take ownership of your being. Become self responsible and unity conscious, connect with the divine within.
Now, my beloved Zingdad is in the process of releasing a weekly series which – I’m not in a habit of advertizing Zingdad products, because that might seem like a conflict of interests – but friends, I have absolutely no qualms in inviting you to have a look at what Zingdad is doing. “The Tools of Creation” is what it’s called. There will be a link, an url on the screen.
“The Tools of Creation” have as their goal teaching you how to use your divine creative power to affect change, but in alignment with unity conscious values. It’s a unity conscious lightwork process that Zingdad is crafting.
Inherent to this process is the raising of consciousness. So that which I would want, that which I would encourage you to do, to raise the frequency of your consciousness, is the process by which Zingdad is teaching reality creation.
So, all works in alignment. It’s all a part of moving toward singularity. It’s all a part of the Great Awakening. It’s all a part of the pushing back against what the delete [elite] are driving.
So, a very serious invitation to you. Come and have a look. Come and see the offer and see whether it resonates with you, and if it does, come along for that journey.
And that is what I wanted to say to you today.
There is more coming, but for now:
have courage
reside in your connection with spirit
reside in your heart
you are safe
you are loved
you are protected
victory is on its way