by Celia Fenn
11/11 Portal…and after…
So today we stand at the portal entrance. This transit through the Scorpio Gate under the light of Antares is an important moment in our Galactic Evolution, and the energies are intensifying accordingly.
But this is only the first step in a Trajectory or “Arc of Transformation” that continues to the December Solstice on the 21st of December.
After the 11/11 we enter Eclipse season, with two Eclipses: a partial Lunar Eclipse in Taurus on the 19th of November and a Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius non the 4th December.
These Eclipses always bring in powerful energies.
The Moon in Taurus is exalted, so an Eclipse in this sign can have powerful effects for the good in aspects such as finance and home affairs.
Sun in Sagittarius is also powerful, as Sagittarius is a fire sign that has visionary potential to create the future.
As we activate the New Earth timeline, these new Light Codes will shape our path into the manifestation of the New Earth.
This is followed by the 12/12 portal on the 12th of December, when we will again be given access to energies that can motivate abundance and new creation.
On the 19th December, the Sun transits the Galactic Center, sending in more intense Diamond Light Codes, and then we move into the Solstice on the 21st December.
This will be the climactic point where we will begin to see the path forward into Abundance and Peace in the New Earth.
So, dearest friends, the 11/11 portal transit commences a powerful arc of experience that we can ride…straight into the New Earth frequency and renewal and rebirth.
Now is the Time.
Be prepared and be excited!
It’s Happening…at Last!
Love to everyone for a great transit tomorrow!