I used to think “healing“ took place at a designated time and place, and when that session was done, the healing time was over, too.
Lately, I’m coming to believe that healing is a perpetual process, if we’re open to it. That we are always being sent the energies and the overlay of balance that can keep us in a constant state of grace.
For me, the conventional Western doctor isn’t the ideal healer. Sometimes it’s prudent to make that appointment at the clinic, but I believe there are gentler approaches to explore, first. Energy healing, specifically, if the situation isn’t dire.
I’m grateful to have the ability to use Reiki on self and others. It serves up an all-purpose healing energy of Light and Love that travels where it’s most needed in the body. I also call on a panoply of higher vibrational healers—Archangel Raphael, the White Light Angels, my Guides and galactic family—so it’s not “just Reiki.” It’s a team effort, of which Reiki, for me, is the captain.
Emergency situations are the hardest. Especially during these dire times of Covid, my mind runs riot with fearful scenarios.
Oh no, they’ll whisk them into the hospital and bar me from entry (not vaccinated), a nurse will “accidentally” vaccinate my helpless family member, they’ll be forcibly intubated with a ventilator, and and and— (1)
I, at least, tend to forget who’s really in charge. I reckon God is in charge, and the Higher Self / soul of the “sick“ person. When I remind myself of that, a ray of calmness can find its way in.
I sense that during these kinds of crises, silent bargains are being struck between soul and self, body and God.
Why is this happening now? What are we to learn during this experience? How may we best progress through this drama or chaos or pain?
What I’ve found is that, in the panic induced by an accident or sudden, severe pain, consciousness of Spirit is unceremoniously ousted by the rush of adrenaline.
My first instincts and reactions are those of the suffering human, whether it’s because of something happening to me or to someone around me. I always want to immediately halt the problem or pain.
I am grateful that the recollection of energetic and Angelic assistance usually bubbles up sooner rather than later. If I were actively involved in a healing profession, I’m sure I would be much quicker to go from unconscious panic to deliberate calm and remembrance that God / Spirit is the healer and is always here with us, regardless of circumstance.
Perhaps if we remembered that first, if it popped into awareness before the panic instead of after, it would provide a sort of shield between us and the pain or other perceived problem.
The situation is still happening. But we need not be frightened so badly by that bogeyman. The pain, the suffering, are the phantoms.
The absolute solidity—not just of connection, but of sameness with—God / Source is real. Even if we cannot physically see, hear, or touch it.
This state of grace is no fair-weather friend. It doesn’t leave simply because we are unable for whatever reason to notice it.
Such fine words these are. I have to laugh at myself because while I believe them, I also know myself.
The Soul is writing, while the human knows I’m likely to fall instantly into fear at the next crisis.
For the moment, it feels like the only shifting possible is to shave off some time between panic and recollection of grace. Given the elasticity (or perhaps nonexistence) of time, perhaps grace and panic will burst simultaneously into awareness.
The chasm of fear opens at my feet, while the steady glow of Light shines all around and into me.
Chasm of darkness or sky of Light. I know right now which one I would choose. May I quickly remember that, the next time I really need to.
(1) Note that such situations have all been reported, though I thankfully have no personal experience with them.